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Unit4 PetsLesson 1人教新起点三年级上册Warm-upFree talkI have a Warm-upFree talkHow many birds are there?Lead-inLook, listen and answer.What animals do you see?你看到了哪些动物呢?New words.Presentation I have a pet.Presentation LETS CHANTPresentation a turtleI have a turtle.New words.Presentation a rabbitI have a rabbit.New words.Presentation a duckI have a duck.New words.Presentation New words.smallPresentation a small chickenI have a small chicken.New words.Presentation New words.longPresentation a long snakeI have a long snake.New words.PracticePoint and sayPracticePracticeA. Look, listen and chant.Practicer_b_ _ _d_c_ sm_ _ _t_ _t _ _ _ick _ _sn_k _l_ _g ab itallu rleaeckenukonLook and spell.答案PracticeB. Lets play.I have a chicken. Its yellow.I have a dog. Its small.I have a snake. Its long.PracticeC. Lets write.Summary 下面的这些动物用英语怎么说呢?a ducka rabbita small chickena turtlea long snake
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