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英语六年级同步教育人教四年制【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容Unit TwoLesson 1112二. 本周重点及难点(一)重点词语及表达1. begin vt. A. 开始,着手;使开始 i i 例:Well begin the meeting at eight oclock . 我们将在8:00开会。开始做某事begin to work = begin working 开始工作B. 在中居首位;在中最先出现例:The letter A begins the alphabet . A是字母表中的第一个字母。(1)begin at 从开始 begin at Page 4 从第四页开始(2)begin with 以开始;以为起点The first word begins with an F. 第一个词以F开头。2. even 加强语气 甚至(也),即使(也),连(都) i : 3. meal n. A. 膳食;一餐,进餐(时间) i :a light meal 便餐 at a meal 在吃饭 three meals a day 一日三餐between meals 在两餐之间 make a meal of 吃一餐 make a meal of noodles 吃一顿面条 mealtime 进餐时间,开饭时间4. a famous scientist 一位著名的科学家 ei ai i5. in his office 在他的办公室里 i6. talk with 与交谈,与讨论 :7. go on 继续下去;继续某种行为 Lets go on ! 让我们继续做(或走,读等)下去! go on with ones work 继续自己的工作8. seldom adv. 很少,不常,难得 I seldom watch TV. 我很少看电视。 e 9. in the lab 在实验室里 10. learn from 向学习 : We should learn from him . 我们应当向他学习。11. eat out 下饭馆吃 i :12. want to know about 想知道关于的事情 I want to know about him . 我想知道关于他的事情13. meet other scientists 会见其他的科学家(二)时间副词(按频率高低排序)1. always 总是 2. usually 通常 3. often 经常 4. sometimes 有时5. seldom 很少,难得,不常 6. never 从不(三)掌握以下句子1. He usually works in the office . 他通常在办公室里工作。2. He always has meals in his office . 他总是在办公室里吃饭。3. He often paints the whole morning . 他经常整个上午都在绘画。4. He seldom listens to music . 他很少听音乐。5. He works till very late in the evening . 他晚上工作到很晚。(四)语法:一般现在时特殊疑问句1. 对时间提问:非单三:What time(或When)do + 主语+动词原形+其他?例:(1)What time do they have breakfast ? They have breakfast at 7:00 . (2)When do you go to the park ? We go to the park on weekends . 单三:What time(或When)does +主语+动词原形+其他?例:(1)What time does he get up ? He gets up at 6:30 AM .(2)When does Tom get home ? He gets home at 5:00 PM . 2. 对动词提问非单三:What do主语do+其他?例:(1)What do you often do after school ? I often play basketball after school . (2)What do they usually do in English class ? They usually do listening and speaking in English class . 单三:What does主语do+其他?例:(1)What does Tom always do in the evening ? He always does his homework in the evening . (2)What does your mother often do after supper ? She often watches TV after supper . 3. 对地点提问非单三:Where do主语+动词原形+其他?例:(1)Where do the students have lunch ? They have lunch at school . (2)Where do your parents work ? They work in a hospital . 单三:Where does主语+动词原形+其他?例:(1)Where does your mother come from ? She comes from England . (2)Where does Mr Li always have his meals ? He always has his meals in his office . 【模拟试题】一. 语音:判断划线部分发音,相同画“”,不同画“”1. must usually( ) 2. lunch full( )3. about house( ) 4. does come( )5. great speak( ) 6. teach sweater( )7. late famous( ) 8. lab piano( )9. meal please( ) 10. office seldom( )二. 写出下列动词的单数第三人称形式:get wear swim put pass speak let beginfly sing walk worry run say cook washspell leave catch guess thank call close take三. 根据句义和首字母填空:1. Please l to me carefully . 2. There is a sign in f the park . 3. He wants to tell p “ Look out ! ”4. You shouldnt play on the s .5. She often goes to the b park with her friends . 四. 看图补全短文:These photos are about my grandmas life . Every morning , she at 7:00 , she at 8:30 . She goes to the park her dog at to ten . She goes at ten to eleven . She at one oclock . She at 3:00 . At 4:25 , she begins to work in her . She has with her at 6:00 . She to at past ten . 五. 组句:1. listen , he , seldom , music , light , to(.) 2. often , the , she , evening , paint , whole(.) 3. your , stay , late , mother , up , very(?) 4. a , grandfather , eat , meals , day , her , two(.) 5. not , newspapers , Peter , in , evening , read , the(.) 6. like , not , she , to , Lucy , e-mailing(.) 7. our , begin , nine , we , class , at(.) 8. office , he , meals , always , have , his , the , in(.) 六. 按要求改写句子:1. He doesnt fly a kite after school .(肯) 2. My mother always does some washing on Sundays .(一般疑问句) 3. Tom and I usually play football on Friday afternoon .(否定句)
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