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六年级英语上册Module 8练习题姓名 班级 一、根据提示写句子。1. Amy . 2. Amy . 3. . 4. . 5. . 二、看图写句子。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、读一读,选一选,完成短文。Maomao is a quiet girl. She (like/like) drawing and (read/reading).She (never/always) reads (stories/story).She (doesnt/dont) like sports. She (can/cant) play soccer and she never goes (swim/swimming).Maomao wants to (help/helping) her mum. She can (cleans/clean) her room and cook dinner. Shes a good girl.四、回答下面的问题。1. Do you often play computer games? 2. Do your family often go out for dinner? 3. What do you often do on Sunday? 4. Do you often eat fast food? 5. When do you often go to bed? 五、写一写。I know you like doing a lot of things. Please make a list of things you like doing and write them down. I like 参考答案一 1. often reads stories. 2. sometimes clean her room. 3. Sam never cooks dinner. 4. Sam sometimes goes to the market.5. Mum always does housework.二 1.The girl is playing with a doll. 2. There is a picture book on the table. 3. He often goes swimming. 4. The boy always reads English books.5. He sometimes visits his grandma.三 likes reading always stories doesnt cant swimming help clean四 略五 略
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