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Unit 4 What time do you go to school?一、教学内容:Unit 4 What time do you go to school? (Section B)(一)课标词汇、重点短语、句型结构 (二)语法知识:Adverbs of frequency 表示时间频率的副词(三)语言运用:描述通常一天的安排二、知识总结与归纳(一)课标词汇、重点短语、句型结构1. When do people usually eat dinner?People usually eat dinner in the evening.in the morningin the afternoonin the evening2. Thanks for your letter. letter3. Do you want to know about my morning?about4. I do my homework at six-thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven-thirty.do homeworkaround5. School starts at nine oclock.start6. Please write and tell me about your morning.writetell aboutme7. Please write soon.soon8. Best wishes.9. Saturday10. survey (二)语法知识Adverbs of frequency 表示时间频率的副词(三)语言运用:描述通常一天的安排【典型例题】一、单项选择。( )1. Please write and tell me _ your morning. A. for B. to C. about D. of ( )2. I want to_ No. 5 bus to Tianan Men Square. A. get B. come C. go D. take ( )3. People usually eat dinner _.A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. in the evening D. all night( )4. School _ at 9:00.A. starts B. start C. is start D. to start( )5. I _ at ten oclock in the evening.A. have breakfast B. get up C. go to bed D. watch morning TV二、句子搭配( )1. What time do A. have a big family?( )2. She takes a B. in the morning.( )3. Do you C. you get up?( )4. What do D. shower at 7:30.( )5. I usually run E. school at 8:00( )6. We go to F. you do in the evening?三、选词填空 plays eats gets start teaches goes has Mr. Green is a teacher. He _ up very early every morning. He _ breakfast at seven-twenty. At a quarter to eight he _ to work by bike. Classes _ at eight oclock, but he doesnt have a class at this time. Its now nine-thirty. Mr. Green _ a class. He _ English. He often _ ping-pong at ten to five in the afternoon. He usually has a shower at ten oclock in the evening.四、读Mary 给笔友的信,填表并回答问题Dear Pen Pal,Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my day?I usually get up at around 6:30. Then I take a shower. I eat breakfast at around 7:15. At 8:00, I take the bus to school. I am at school all day. Im in the music club and I have violin lessons on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 3:00. I come home at 4:00. I rest for an hour then I go running-I love to run! I eat dinner at about 6:00. After dinner, I watch TV for an hour. My favorite TV show starts at 6:45. I like it because its funny and exciting. At 7:30, I do my homework. I go to bed at 10:00.Please write and tell me about your day. Yours, MaryACTIVITY (Mary)TIME4:00gets up6:305:007:156:008:0010:001. Does Mary take a shower before breakfast? _2. Can Mary play the violin? _3. Does Mary have music lessons on Tuesday? _4. What does Mary do before dinner? _5. What time does the TV show start? _6. When does Mary do her homework? _参考答案一、1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C二、1. C 2. D 3. A 4. F 5. B 6. E三、gets, eats, goes, start, has, teaches, plays四、 ACTIVITY (Mary)TIMEcomes home4:006:30goes running5:00eats breakfast7:15eats dinner6:00takes the bus to school8:00goes to bed10:001. Yes, she does.2. Yes, she can.3. Yes, she does.4. She rest for an hour then she goes running.5. The TV show starts at 6:45.6. At 7:30, she does her homework.
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