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六年级英语上册Unit 3测试题A姓名 班级 分数 一、用适当的动词填空使词组完整。(7分)例:buy a book_ a cake_ a trip _ TV_ the room_ a magazine_ to the cinema _ grandparents二、看图判断句子对错(10分)1. He usually reads books at home. ( ) 2. I am going to the cinema tonight. ( )3. This is the Great Wall. ( )4. Tomorrow is going to rain. ( )5. I m going to Qinghai by train. ( )三、火眼金睛。找出各组不同类的那一项(10分)( ) 1. A. next week B. tomorrow C. computer( ) 2. A. read a book B. watch TV C. National Holiday( ) 3. A. Saturday B. today C. Thursday( ) 4. A. magazine B. newspaper C. cake( )5. A. CD B. dictionary C. postcard四、仿写句子。可要看清例句哦!(15分)例 : I (buy a book) this afternoon.g I am going to buy a book this afternoon.1. I (plant trees) next spring. _2. She (read a comic book) this evening. _3. We (buy presents) tomorrow. _4. He (take a trip) next week. _5. They (go to the theme park) next Saturday. _五、重新排列句子,使对话完整。(10分)A. Were going there by plane.B. Where are you going on National Holiday?C. How are you going there?D. Have a good trip!E. We are going to Guilin.F. Thanks a lot.B_六、你能找出多少个已学过的单词吗?写在横线上吧!(16分)_七、考考你!你会熟练运用下面这几个特殊疑问词了吗?(10分)Where What When How many How Who How old How much1. are you going on National Holiday? To Hainan.2. are you going to Hainan? Next Monday.3. are you going with? With my parents.4. is this beautiful bag? Only 10 yuan.5. is Polly? 2.6. are you going to Hainan? By plane.7. do you often do on the weekend? Read books.8. are you going to do this evening? Watch TV.9. is your mum? Shes in the kitchen.10. people are there in your family? 9.八、累了吧?我们来猜猜Mike想干什么?1=A,2=B,3=C依此类推(12分)9l137159147201522125191513525l21209621126121523518196151813919197115Tomorrow is Teachers Day. What am I going to do?_九、你能完成下面这个调查表吗?(10分)You: What are you going to do this weekend?Your friend: I m going to play football and do homework ActivitiesNamePlay sportsclimb mountainsread bookswatch TVplay computer gamesDo homeworkothersZhang Peng参考答案一、make take watch clean read go see二、l5 三、l5 C C B C A四、lI am going to plant trees next spring 2She is going to read a comic book this evening 3We are going to buy presents tomorrow 4He is going to take a trip next week 5They are going to the theme park next Saturday五、E C A D F六、morning girl afternoon next theme weekend dictionary newspaper七、lWhere 2When 3Who 4How much 5How old 6How 7What 8What 9Where 10How many八、I am going to buy some beautiful flowers for Miss Gao九、略
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