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Unit 4 Animals at the zooLesson 26一、根据提示写出这是什么动物(20分)。Word List: camel, monkey, ostrich, wolf1. This animal has a long tail and short ears. What is it? _2. This animal has feathers and long legs. What is it? _3. This animal has fur and sharp teeth. What is it? _4. This animal has fur and four long legs. What is it? _二、把左边和右边的句子进行正确的连接(30分)。1. Can a camel swim? A. Where does a tiger sit?2. What has a pouch? B. What colour is Lucys cat?3. No, a rabbit has long ear. C. No, fish swim.4. What does Li Lins dog like to do? D. Is the lion small?5. Does a monkey have stripes? E. The kangaroo has a pouch.6. The tiger sits under the tree. F. A bird has wings.7. No, the lion is big. G. Does a wolf have long ears?8. Lucys cat is white. H. The elephant has a trunk.9. What has a trunk? I. Li Lins dog likes to walk outside.10. What has wings? J. No, a tiger has stripes.答案:一、1. It is a monkey. 2. It is an ostrich.3. It is a wolf. 4. It is a camel.二、1. C 2. E 3. G 4. I 5. J 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. H 10. F评分标准:第一大题每小题5分,第二大题每小题为3分。打分方式如下:110分:理解很困难或完全不能学懂的学生。1120分:能掌握一些单词并能通过一些非语言动作表达意思的学生。2130分:能够理解并掌握三分之二内容的学生。3140分:能够理解并掌握百分之八十内容的学生。4150分:能够理解并掌握百分之九十或更多内容的学生。
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