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Module 1 Unit 2 Hes cool一、根据中文意思,在四线格内正确书写单词。 1. 友好的 2. 害羞的 3. 酷的 4. 淘气的 5. 可爱的 6. 年龄较大的 7. 幼小的 8. 叔父 9. 姑母二、选择最佳答案填空。( )1. This is my mother. _ is clever. A. He B. She C. It( )2. This _ Panpans uncle. A. are B. am C. is( )3. Look at my _. He is very naughty. A. mother B. brother C. sister( )4. My father is _ cool. A. very B. bit C. little( )5. This is my father. He is _. A. a doctor nice B. nice a doctor C. a nice doctor 三、连词成句。1. my, this, aunt, is (.)_2. is, little, my, this, brother (.)_3. he, naughty, is, very (.)_4. she, a, nice, is, teacher (.)_5. friend, tall, is, my, and, clever (.)_ 四、根据中文意思选择正确的选项。( )1. 这是我的大哥哥,他很聪明。A. This is my big brother. He is clever.B. This is my little brother. He is clever.( )2. 她是一位友好的医生。A. He is a cool doctor.B. She is a nice doctor.( )3. Parrot非常淘气。A. Parrot is very naughty.B. Parrot is a bit naughty.( )4. 我的叔父很酷。A. My aunt is clever.B. My uncle is cool.( )5. 她很可爱。A. He is good.B. She is cute.五、阅读短文,完成下列题目。I have a happy family. Look! They are coming. This is Lingling, my little sister. She is a nice and clever girl. But she is a bit shy. This is Xiaoming, my big brother. He is a cute and naughty boy. But he is cool. My mother is kind and nice. But my father is very strict. ( )1. My little sister is _.A. kind B. nice C. strict( )2. Xiaoming is _.A. shy and naughty B. clever and strict C. cool and cute( )3. My mother is _.A. kind B. strict C. shy( )4. There are_ people in my family.A. three B. four C. five Module 1 Unit 2 Hes cool. 练习答案一、1. nice 2. shy 3. cool 4. naughty 5. cute 6. big 7. little 8. uncle 9. aunt 二、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 【解析】:1. 该题考查人称代词的用法。He指代男性第三人称单数, She指代女性第三人称单数,it指代物体第三人称单数,my mother是第三人称单数,故选B。2. 该题考查主谓一致,主语是Panpans uncle,单数,谓语也要用单数is,故选C。3. 该题考查主语前后一致的用法,从He(指代男性第三人称单数)可知,前面空格应该宾语是男性,mother, sister都指代女士,故选B。4. 该题考查副词修饰形容词的用法,bit和little修饰形容词时搭配:a bit, a little,故选A。5. 该题考查形容词修饰名词的用法,形容词在放在所修饰的名词的前面,故选C。三、1. This is my aunt.2. This is my little brother.3. He is very naughty.4. She is a nice teacher.5. My friend is tall and clever. / My friend is clever and tall.四、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 【解析】:1. 该题考查big(年龄较大的)和little(幼小的)表达年龄的用法,根据“大哥哥”可知该处应选big,故选A。2. “她”的英文是“she”,“友好的”的英文是“nice”,故选B。3. 该题考查“非常”的英文表达,very意为“非常”, a bit 意为“一点儿”,故选A。4. “叔父”的英文是“uncle”,“酷”的英文是“cool”,故选B。5. “她”的英文是“she”,“可爱(的)”的英文是“cute”,故选B。五、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C
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