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期中达标测评卷听力部分(20分)一、听录音,选出与你所听到的词属于同类的一项。(5分)( )1Afrom Babove Csocks ( )2Abought Bdo Cmake ( )3Asnowy Brainy Csun ( )4Atelephone Bhomework Cmagazine ( )5Afeel Bthirsty Cfall二、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(5分)1. There is a standing behind you.2. I am very with these monkeys.3. These cats are playing my sweater.4. Sam is his hands.5. Welcome to my birthday .三、听录音,给所听问题找答语。(10分)( )1AWere going to eat at half past twelve BWere going to eat a hot dog ( )2AIts a quarter to five BHes five ( )3AThe books are falling! BSorry,I cant ( )4AMy teacher BA dictionary ( )5AYes,I do BYes,I did 笔试部分(80分)四、选出下列单词划线部分的发音与其它不同的一项。(10分)( )1Ahand Bgave Cmap( )2Ameat Bbed Cme( )3Aheavy Bsleep Cmeet( )4Acar Bwarm Chard( )5Atravel Bfather Cswam五、选择填空。(12分)。( )1He is interested in Adraw a picture Bdrawing Cdraws( )2The spaceship are Russia Afrom Bfor Cfall( )3Miss Green is a green skirt Awears Bin Cwearing( ) 4. I often up at 6:30 Aget Bstand Csee( )5We want to get wet Adoesnt Bdidnt Cisnt( )6We are going to go to the library A1ast Sunday Bnext Sunday CSunday六、情景对话。(15分)( )1当你想知道明天的天气如何时,应该说: AWhats the weather like yesterday? BWhats the weather like tomorrow? CWhats the weather like today?( )2当你想知道孩子们在干什么时,会说: AWhat are you doing? BWhat do you do? CWhat are the children doing?( )3当你想表达很糟糕的心情时,会说: AWhat a mistake! B.What a trouble! CWhat mess!( )4当你想询求别人的帮助时,会说: AWho want to with us? BWho can help me? CWho want to help others?( )5当别人祝你生日快乐时,你应该说: AThank you BSorry CWelcome七、英汉互译。(15分)1. 你今天打算做什么事情? 2快要下雪了。 3Who gave this kite to you? 4I cant carry these mangoes. 5We had a very funny day last Sunday. 八、看表格,仿照例子写句子。(10分)例:penAmy例:Amy bought a pen for me.1.hot dogmother2.dollJim3.cupTom4.catfather5.sofagrandfather九、看图作文。(10分)下面是Mr Green 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描述图中的内容。可做适当的想象。要求:1.意思明确,书写工整,规范。2.不少于50个单词。
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