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Unit 1 Welcome to my new home! Lesson 3同步练习一、 看图写单词 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._二、 根据提示完成下列句子1. 厨房里有一台新冰箱。_ ( is a new in the kitchen there fridge )2. 看,这是一个新厨房。_( is a new kitchen Look this )3. 客厅里有一张桌子。_( is a new table there in the living room)三、 重新排列下列字母使其组成新单词1eack()2.albl()3mubgrreha( ) 4.aebtl()四、 选出下列单词的汉语意思()1.sandwich A三明治B汉堡包()2.sofa A沙发 B椅子()3.kitchen A厨房 B鸡肉()4.balloon A球 B气球()5.living room A卧室 B客厅五、 用be动词的适当形式填空1There _ two big cakes.2There _ a sofa and four chairs.答案一、1.fridge 2.microwave oven 3.kitchen 4.table二、1.there is a new fridge in the kitchen2.look, this is a new kitchen.3.there is a new table in the living room.三、1.cake2.ball3.hamburger4.table四、1.A2.A3.A4.B5.B五、1.are 2.is
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