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第四课时,Unit,1,Who,is,younger及牛津小学英语6B教案 一、教学要求:1、巩固四会单词与句子;2、巩固三会单词和句子;3、巩固单词并学习E,F部分,:try again4、巩固语音:or - /:/5、歌曲I wish I was taller二、教学重点:能综合全面复习、掌握本单元知识点。三、教学难点:能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。四、课前准备:提前板书重点句型、人物图片、学生调查表、录音机、磁带、练习册。五、教学过程:Step 1.Sing a song :I wish I was taller&Step 2.Revision1. Ask and answer.e.g.Who is taller ,or ?Who is thinner than ?Whose eyes are bigger,hers or his?Which river is longer,Chang Jiang or Huang He?Which mountain is higher,Tai Shan or Hua Shan?2.Play guessing games:a.Guess numbers:Bigger or smaller?Up or down?b.Guess your classmates:Who is he/she?Is he/she taller than me?Step 3.Whos my friend? (E)1.Open your books,and look at the form in Page 12.T:How many children are there ?Whore they?Whats s height?Whats s weight?(引导学生对人名进行学习,并复习height,weight)2.Say sth. about the children and guess.3.Learn to say “Try again”.4.Take out your forms and guess in groups.(示范表达后再进行小组游戏,重点在于表达比较级句型。)5.Act in front of the class.(小组派出代表,全班进行猜测。)Step 4.Look ,read and judge. (E)1.(人物图片Liu Tao,Gao Shan,Mike,Ben and Wang Bing) Say sth. about them 2. Look at the dialogue and judge.3. Check the answers.4. Look and answer the questions:a.Whos older than Wang Bing?b.Whos taller than Ben?c.Is Gao Shan as tall as Mike?d.Why will Liu Tao be the goalkeeper?5.Act the dialogue.Step 5.WorkbookWb P5 E.Look,read and write.P6 F.Read,write and answer.引导学生学习快速阅读,获得关键信息,学会分析、判断、表达。Step 6.Assign homework1、小作文:My good friend,完成后教师收上来然后打乱发下,让学生之间相互阅读,并写出文中人名。2、完成课后练习。 后附相关类型参考文章: 高中英语 作文 大全 英语 初中3
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