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Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag ?一把下列句子译成英语。1.我 的 书 在 我 的 书 架上。My books .2.我的数学书在我的书桌下面。My maths book .3. -你的书在哪里? - 在椅子上。- Where your books ?- They .4.- 他的钥匙在哪里? - 在桌子上。- Where are his ?- on the table .5. 她的棒球在哪里? - 在沙发下面。- Where her ? - It _ the sofa .二、单项选择: ( ) 1. -_myCDs?-Theyreinthedrawer.A.WhatreB.WherereC.WheresD.Whats( )2. -Wheresmymathbook? -Its_thefloor.A.inB.atC.underD.on( )3. -_isyourmother? -Sheisinthekitchen.A.WhatB.whoC.WhereD.How( )4. Where is my schoolbag? Its _the table, _ the floor. A. on; under B. on; on C. under; on D . under ;in( )5. The oranges are _the tree and the bird(鸟) is _ _the tree.A. on; in B. in; on C. in; in D on ; on ( )6. Are your pencils on the desk? No, _.A. they are B. they arent C. it isnt D. it is .( )7. _ They are in the bookcase. A. Where are these? B. Where are the books? C. Wheres the book? D. Where are the book?三、所给词的适当形式填空1.-Where are your books ? - ( its ) on the sofa .2.That is Marys hat . ( she ) hat is red .3. Look ! Here ( be ) the photo of my family .4. Some ( boy ) and (girl ) are in the room .5.Thanks you for (bring ) my notebook here .6. Your _ (notebook) are in the schoolbag.7. I _ know ( not know ).8.Are these your _ (pencil )?9. Here _( be ) Toneys black and white TV.10.His _( family ) are fine .11._(these) is my family photo.This is _(I).12.Where_(be) my baseball?四、写作。(目标2)以My room为题写一篇短文描述房间内的陈设.,不少于五句话。Here is my room. My TV is on the desk, My telephone is _。五英译汉:1)在第一张照片里 2) 在下一张图片里 3) 这些东西 4)一些东西 5)在椅子下面_ 6) 在床底下 7) 在地板上 8) 在桌子上 9)在你父母的房间里 10)在她的书包里
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