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东营区二中六年级上册英语导学稿课 题Unit4 I Have A Pen Pal Section B(3)课 型新授课执笔人六年级英语组教师寄语A lazy youth, a lousy ago. (少时懒惰,老来苦。)学习目标1.知识目标: 掌握并会用Lets read的单词,短语与句子.2.能力目标: 能够正确区分和使用单三形式.3.情感目标: 培养学生和他人就他人日常行为这一话题进行交流的能力。一 复习巩固按要求完成句子,课前领读五遍。1. Does your mother teach English? (否定回答)_2. Does she teach you math? (肯定回答)_3. Does your aunt work in the school? (否定回答)_4. Does your uncle go to work by bike? (肯定回答)_5. Does your father go to work by bus? (否定回答)_二 听力训练。(Lets check )1. 听短文,完成下列短文。Bill _ _ Australia. He _ in a TV company. He goes to work _ _. He usually reads _ on the bus. He goes back home _ _ _. He _ TV in the evening. He likes _ _. He often plays basketball _ _.2. 再听短文,回答下面的问题。(1) Does Bill live in Australia? _(2) Does he work in a car company? _(3) Does he go to work by bus? _(4) Does he read newspapers on the bus? _(5) Does he play basketball in the evening? _(6) Does he play basketball on weekends? _三 学习新知,阅读Lets read 完成以下表格MembersActivitiesTransportationsAliceGo to school /read newspapers/play at the parkAnnFatherMotherBy car完成表格小组内检查答案。仔细阅读Lets read完成课本51页问答题.四拓展练习。根据下列对话,小组内进行对话练习,并进行小组竞赛A:How many people are there in your family?B: _A: Who are they?B: _A: Where does your mother work?B: _A: How does she go to work?B: _A: Where does your father work?B: _A: How does he go to work?B: _A: How do you go to school?B:_ What about you?A: _以上面的对话为主要内容,以 “My family”写一篇短文,介绍自己家人以及家人的工作和出行方式。_
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