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探 2014届学生 毕业设计(论文)学生毕业 设计(论文)课题名称意境视角下导游词的翻译研究姓名钟理清学号100510625学院外国语学院专业英语指导教师喻立安副教授2014年4月25日CONTENTSAbstract1Introduction2Chapter 1 An introduction to tour commentaries4U Origin and Definition41.2 Functions61.3 Significance6Chapter 2 Artistic Conception in Tour Commentaries82.1 Definition of Artistic Conception82.2 Artistic Conception of Tour Commentaries Translation92.3 Composition of Artistic Conception11Chapter 3 Translation Strategies of Tour Commentaries153Literal Translation153.2 Free Translation163.3 Explanation173.4 Borrowed Translation19Conclusion21Notes22Bibliography23Acknowledgments24Tour Commentaries Translation underthe Perspective of Artistic ConceptionZhong Liqing(College of Foreign Languages, Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan 413000)Abstract: Tourism has become an important industry undergoing rapid growth on a global scale. The development of the travel industry has, in turn, exerted a tremendous influence on the economies and cultures of the world. With a vast territory and five-thousand-year-old culture, China attracts an increasing number of tourists. The growth of the English language as a medium of worldwide communication has been correspondingly rapid. Consequently, English now has an important role in translation of tour commentaries,especially the tour commentaries. This paper attempts to discuses the artistic conception of tour commentary translation. Through artistic conception, we can find a lot of strategies of translation to display the artistic conception of scenic spots perfectly.Key words: tour commentaries; artistic conception; translation strategies.摘 要:旅游业在全球范用内的迅猛发展对世界经济、文化产生了巨大的影响,使不同 文化背景的人们进行文化交流变成了一种需要。我国,地大物博,有五千年的历史文化,吸 引了大量的外国人來此参观,旅游英语成为了这个过程中的媒介。因此,旅游景点的对外翻 译起了重要的作用,尤其是导游词的对外翻译的作用更是重中Z重。本文拟从讨论导游词翻 译中的意境,通过以意境为主线,阐述在英语导游词的翻译中恰到好处地体现旅游景点的完 美意境的翻译技巧。关键词:导游词,意境,翻译技巧IntroductionWith the development of society and economy, tourism, a smokeless industry, has become an important industiy with a rapidly growth rate on a global scale. After the success of holding the 29山 Olympic games, millions of overseas visitors, who are eager to touch this old mysterious nation with a resplendent culture of more 5000 years, are thronging into our country. This raises a demand for well-translated tour commentaries.As a typical intercultural communication activity, global tourism has grown year by year. This consequently created the new academic research on the artistic conception field of tourist translation. Domestic translation scholars have already had some discussions on this topic, most of which are targeted at traditional English literature Yet research on the artistic conception of tour translation is at the initial stage. The commentaries need to present the colorful and attractive image of interests of China. However, at present, our English-speaking guide is mostly only converted Chinese tour commentaries to English rigidly and mechanically. There are two kinds of results: first, it can not be a good showcase of our beautiful mountains and rivers ; second, it is difficult to achieve the puipose of cross-culturar, successfully. Therefore, the research on the artistic conception of commentaries translation has become an inevitable trend. A good tour commentaries not only attracts foreign tourists come to visit, but also let tourists have a better understanding of the rich culture of landscape where tourists linge匸This dissertation consist of three parts: the first chapter introduces the origin, definition, function and significance of tour commentaries to make us have a basic conception of the tour commentaries; the second chapter narrates the artistic conception of tour commentaries translation, and its composition; the third chapter discusses the translation strategies of tour commentaries. This chapter take beautys commentaries as the example, discusses the four main translation strategies. There are literal translation, free translation, explanation, and borrowed translation.Chapter 1An Introduction to Tour Commentaries21st century is the golden century for tourism development. As the biggest cultural industry in the world, tourism contributes a great deal to the cultural communication. China has extensive territory, long history and beautiful scenery which would attracts visitors to come especially the people who come from the other countries and are interested in Chinese culture and scenery.9. Origin and DefinitionChina is a multi-ethnic country with a vast temtory and a five-thousandyear-old histoiy. It is a country with rich resources beautiful natural scenery and human cultural heritage. A large number of historic sites and scenic spots like the Great Wall, Qinshihuang Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses, the Silk Road, Forbidden City, etc. Bring tourists into contact with ancient Chinese civilization. Mod
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