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广东海洋大学寸金学院毕业论文(设计)论文题目:浅析影片小屁孩日记中折射出的中美教育差英文题目:异和共同之处A Br i ef Ana 1ys i s of the D i fferences and S i mi lari ties between Ch i na and Americas Ado 1 escent Education from Diary Of A Wimpy Ki dCONTENTSCONTENTS II摘要HIABSTRACT IV7 AboutDiaryof aWimpyKid 11. 1 Theworkbackground 11.2 int roduc tion to the con tent 11.3 TheDiary of A Wimpy Kidy Comments of Al IPeopIe22. NowadaysFierce International Competit/onforTalent41 theimportance of the cu 11 i vat ion ofta I ents42. 2 training ta Ient situation in our country4Diary of a Wimpy Kid reflects the culture education between eastern and western have in common.53 1 The teenagers education between China and Amer ica has something in common53.2 the significance of fami ly education on teenager education 5Diary of a Wimpy Kid ref Iects the d i fferences in education between eastern and western culture 74. 1The d i fferences educa tion to the teenage bet ween China and Amer ica74. 2 Draw lessons from America s education for the reform of education in China94. 2. 1 Di fferent educationa 丨 thoughts Iead to di fferent educational effects9 Different 日ttitudes towards sports activities 10Different methods on education of knowledge 10Cone I us i on 13REFERENCES: 14当今国际竞争日益激烈,而这种竞争归根到底是人的素质的竞争,是人才培养的竞争。 通过分析影片小屁孩日记从中折射出东西方文化与教育的差异和共同之处,比较 中美两国对青少年教育的相关方面,分析其共同之处,以及分析两国教育的差异,进 而提出对我国教育改革的启示。我们不能断言美国培养的人就是理想中的现代人,但 他们国家教育中的合理成分,恰恰是我国教育所缺乏的。因此,美国教育的一些实践, 能为我国教育的改革提供借鉴。关键词:人才培养;美式教育;中式教育;家庭教育;异同ABSTRACTNowadays the iriternational competit ion is becoming i ncreas ingly f i erce In the final analysis, th i s i s person1s qua I ity competition, i s the ta Ient competit ion. Through the ana lysis of the fi Im Diary of a Wimpy Kid, we can see the commons and the differences betw een Eas tern and Wes tern cult lire and educa ti on, compare the re I evan t aspec ts of the education of young people i n the two countr ies, ana lyze the commons and the differences bet ween the two coun tries, and then put forward the en I i gh tenmen t to our educa ti ona I reform. We cannot assert that the modern peop I e of Amer i can i s the i dea I, But the reasonab I e e I ements of education i n the i r country are the weaknesses of our education. Consequently, some education practices of Amer ica can provide references to our educational reformKey word: pers on ne I t ra i n i ng; t he Amer ican educa ti on; The Ch in ese ty pe educa ti on; home education; simi lar ity and difference1 About Diary of a Wimpy KidThe work backgroundDiary of a Wimpy Kid i s Amer ica best-sel I ing author Geoff Kinney,s work. Gray i s a modern vers i on of the bad boy of Amer i ca in Geoff Kinneys st ory, he recorded every drops of h i s I i fe and h i s prac ti ca I jokes i n the d i ary, and make adu Its and ch i I dren around the wor Id to catch a gl impse of Amer ican I ife and Amer ican chi Idren grow up. The book br ing us a fun ny America n ch i 丨 dren growi ng up s tory, wha t is more impor tarit to us that itst akes the t one of a middle school stu den t descr i be i n a s i mp I e way of comic and re I ax sty le, and i I Iumi nate the ch i Idren i n the smaI I worId i ncIuded the r ich content , such as affect ion, fr i endship, and growing pa i ns.In h i s d i ary, Gray thought a fun teas i ng tone to reveaI h i s frustration and success in life of the un i que observa tiori. The book i n lifes t one and word i ng, the response of jokes, i I I ust rated w i th a simple joke, vividly dep i ct ado I escence1 s charac ter i st i c, i nc I ude somet i mes i nnocence, somet i mes rebeI I i ous, and somet i mes naughty, somet i mes he IpI ess After Diary Of A Wimpy Kid pub I ished, unexpectedly led to Amer i ca,s reading on campus cult lire, some stu den ts eve n at ord in ary ti mes often cant ca Im down to read, a I so cant wa i t to finish read i ng the book. Language used by the aut hor i s very I i feT s tone and close to the age groups of chi Idren, while the I i vely comic and Gray i s ca Im, a Imos t express i on I ess, humorous narration formed a sharp contrast, make a person fee I the character vividly por trayed Numerous people speak highly of that Gray i s jus t I ike a rea I person at our s i de. Gray makes each person pause bet ween each laugh ter from the nex t laugh ter more than t hree mi nutes. Because of Gregory a I I i dea i n h i s bra i n i s amus i ng and soph i stry. The other reason i s that you can a I so unders tand h i s i deas, without any d i ff i cu Ity immedia tely captured by Gregory logic where i s funny, t hen smile loud I y. Even fee I its I i ke to wr i te t he i r own d i ary.introduction to the contentD i ary Of a Wimpy K i d i s a d i s tine ti ve d i ary wh i ch i s i n comic and scrawl with i I I us trat ion.The hero Gray i s a little boy in junior high schooI. He, s k ind, honest, intel I igent, love to p I ay, own fu I I of bad
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