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英美经剜、趣其酹题L Draw a line between the work and its authorThe Adventures ofTom SawyerDaniel DefoeRobinson CrusoeLuisa AlcottJane EyreHenry JamesWuthering HeightsJane AustenTess of the DUfbcrvillcsMark TwainThe Scarlet LetterCharlotte BronteThe Old Man and the SeaCharles DickensPride and PrejudiceEmily BronteThe Portrait of a LadyHerman MelvilleA Tale of Two CitiesNathaniel HawthorneMoby DickErnest HemingwayLittle WomenThomas HardyFor Whom the Bell TollsFarewell to ArmsDavid CopperfieldIL Multiple choice1. Angle Clare is a hero inA. The Adventures oflom SawyerB. Wuthering HeightsC. Tess of the DUrbcrvillcsD. Little Women2. Friday is a hero in.A. Moby DickB. The Scarlet LetterC. The Adventures oflom SawyerD. Robinson Crusoe3. Santiago is a hero in.A. The Old Man and the SeaB. Robinson CrusoeC. Moby DickD. Tess of the DUrbcrvillcs4. Madame Defarge is a heroine in.A. The Scarlet LetterB. Little WomenC. A Tale ofTwo CitiesD. Pride and Prejudice5. Hester Pryne is a heroine inA. Little WomenB. The Scarlet LetterC. David CopperfieldD. The Portrait of a Lady6. Aunt Polly is a heroine in.A. The Portrait of a LadyB. Wuthering HeightsC. Moby DickD. The Adventures ofTom Sawyer7. Darcy is a hero inA. Moby DickB. Wuthering HeightsC. Pride and PrejudiceD. Little Women8. Ahab is a hero in.A. A Tale ofTwo CitiesB. Moby DickC. Robinson CrusoeD. The Old Man and the Sea9. Joe is a heroine inA. Little WomenB. Jane EyreC. Pride and PrejudiceD. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer10. Heathcliff is a hero in.A. The Scarlet LetterB. Moby DickC. A Tale of Two CitiesD. Wuthering HeightsIII. FU1 in the blank1. The whitewash of a fence is in the novel of.2. Mr. Rochester became blind when he tried to save his mad wife This is in the novel of3. Mr. Carton died for Mr. Damey because he was willing to do it for the person he loved. This is in thenovel of.4. The meaning ofW is symbolic. It means adultery at the beginning. At last, it means able. This is inthe novel of.5. Little Emly wanted to be a lady when she grew up. She eloped with a young man from London. Thisis in the novel of.6. Only the skeleton of the caught fish was left at last. This is in the novel of.7. Catherine got married to Linton, which broke her loves heart as well as her own heart. This is in thenovel of.8. The governess got in love with her master who was twenty years older than her. She was willing to because he treated her equally. They really lived happily as a couple This is in the novel of9. The mother business is to marry all her daughters out. This is in the novel of.10. In the novel of, there arc French revolution and the guillotine.IV Read the passage and answer the questions.1nI tell you 1 must go!” I retorted, roused to something like passion. f,Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think lam an automaton ?一a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!I have as much soul as you,一and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;it is my spirit that address your spirit; just as 讦 both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet, equal, 一as we are!”As we are! repeated Mr. Rochesternso/ he added, enclosing me in his arms. Gathering me to his breast, pressing his lips on my lips: so, Jane!”(我跟你说,我非走不可! “我有点生气地反驳道,”你以为我会留下来,成了一个对你来说无足轻重的人吗?你认为我只是一架机架没有感惰的机辭?你认为我能忍受让人把我的一口面包从嘴里抢走,让人把我的一滴活命水从杯子里泼掉吗?你以为我穷、低微、不美、矮小,我就没有灵魂,没有心吗?一尔想错了 ! 我跟你一样冇灵魂,一完全一样有一颗心!要是上帝赐给了我一点美貌和大最财富,我也会让你感到 难以离开我,就像我J犯在难以离开你一样。我现在不是凭着习俗、常规,共至也不是凭着肉体凡胎跟你说话, 而是我的心灵在个你的心灵说话,就好彖我们部C离开人世,两人平等地站在上帝面前一因为我们木来就是平等的!”“因为我们本来就是平等的!”罗彻斯特重复了一右一“就这样,”他补充说,将我一把抱住,紧紧搂在怀 中,嘴唇紧贴着我的嘴廉,“就这样,简!”)1) Why does Jane want to leave Rochester?2) What is Rochester reaction to Janets words?3) Do you like Jane? Give your reason2.My great miseries in this world have been Hcathcliffs miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it Jm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly I am Hcathcliflf! He
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