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高三英语作文带翻译:我的朋友 我的伴侣他可英勇了。他敢抓螳螂,不怕脏。他的优点是爱观看。他的缺点是上课爱做小动作。我告知你,他呀,最喜爱捉虫子。现在你知道他是谁了吧,那就是杨杨同学,现在就要认真看哦! My friend he is brave. He dare catch mantis, isnt afraid dirty. Love his advantage is observed. Its shortcoming is attends class love acting. I told you, he, like most catch bugs. Now you know who he is, and that is Yang Yangs classmate, now is the time to look at oh! 我和杨杨是最好的伴侣。有一次他和我,在学校的竹林里发觉了一只蛐蛐,我们兴奋得不得了,立刻就扑上去捉了。从那以后,我要发觉蝗虫或者蛐蛐就会立刻告知杨杨,因为杨杨捉虫的技术特别好。假如没有杨杨,我就会亲自去捉,捉到了我就给杨杨。 Yang Yang and I are best friends. Once he and I, a cricket was found at the school of the bamboo forest, we are excited, immediately rushed to catch up. Since then, I have found that the locusts or cricket immediately told Yang Yang, because Yang Yang catch technology is very good. If there is no Yang Yang, I will go to catch, catch me to Yang Yang. 这就是我的伴侣。 This is my friend. 2
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