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高绩效供应链链管理5中心设施与地方设施的比较设施战略中心设 施地方设施安全库存水平较低较高管理成本较低较高经济规模大较 小提前期一般较大一般较小服务水平一般较大一般较小库存水平低于 同服务水平的分散型较高需求预测水平较高较低牛鞭效应较小较大 The push section Uncertainty is relatively low Economies of scale important Long lead times Complex supply chain st rue tu res Thus Managemen t based on forecasts is appropriate Focus is on cost minimization Achieved by effective resource util ization - supply chain optimiz;8tion The pul 1 section High uncertainty Simple supply chain structure Short lead times Thus Reacting to realized demand is important Focus on service level Flexible and responsive approaches产品与彳亍业相匹配的供应链战略框架半需求不确定性越高就越应半采用根据实际需求管理供应链的模式-拉动战略而需求不确定性越低就越应该采用根据长期预测管理供应链的模式推动战略同样规模效益对降低成本更重要组合需求价值越高就越应为采用推动战略如果规模经济不那么重要就应半采用拉动战略滑雪衫的预测需求不确定性非常高成功的一个策略就是将高风险和低风险的设计区分开来The figure providesexamples of the location of the push-pull boundary for various companies and industries What is the impact of pushing the push-pul 1 boundary from right to left Clearly as items move along the supply chain time line fromleft to right their value increase Thus locating the boundary as far tothe left as possible will reduce inventory holding cost However this isappropriate for products with short assembly and transportation 1eadtimes smaller trucks 更小批量的货物Chapter 5 Supply ChainIntegration 51 Introduction如何选择驱动供应链的方式 推动型系统与拉动型系统推-拉式系统如何选择配送决策机构集中控制战略与分散控制战略如何做出配送决策的方式直接运输的战略仓丿车的战略直接转运的战略如何选择生产和储仓中心机构与地方机构的战略52 A new Supply ChainParadigm A shift from a Push System Production decisions are based onforecast to a Push-Pull System com The Old ParadigmPush Strategies Production decisions based on long-term forecastsOrdering decisions based on inventory forecasts制造商 零售商 产品夕卜咅b需求 定单 What are the problems with push strategies Inability tomeet changing demand patterns Obsolescence The bullwhip effect Excessiveinventory Excessive production variability Poor service levels com ANewer Pa rad i gmPull Strategies Production is demand driven Production and distribution coordinated with true customer demand Firms respond to specific orders 制造商 零售商 产品夕卜部需求 信息Pull Strategies result in Reduced lead times better anticipation Decreased inventory levels at retailers and manufacturers Decreased system variability Better response to changingmarkets But Harder to leverage economies of scale Doesnt work in allcases com Push-Pull Strategies The Supply Chain Time Line LowUncertainty Long lead times High Uncertainty Short lead timesCustomers Suppli ers PUSH STRATEGY PULL STRATEGY Push-Pul 1 Boundary Push-Pull System Initial portion of the supply chain is replenished based on long-term forecasts For example parts invent()Ty may be replenished based on forecasts Final supply chain stages based on actual customer demand For example assembly may based on actual orders Case ConsiderTwo PC Msnufacturets Build to Stock Forecast demand Buys componentsAssembles computers Observes demand and meets demand if possible A traditional push system Build to order Forecast demand Buys components Observes demand Assembles computers Meets demand A push-pul 1 system The push-pull system takes advantage of the rules of forecasting Forecasts are always wrong The longer the forecast horizon the worst is the forecast Aggregate forecasts are more accurate The Risk Pooling Concept Delayed differentiatiori 延迟差界化 is another example com Selecting the Best SCStrategy Pul1Push Pul1 Push T Computer TTIV III Demand uncertainty CV Delivery cost Unit price LH HL Economies of Scale Higher demand uncertainty suggestspull Higher importance of economies of scale suggests push Highuncertainty EOS not important such as the computer industry implies pullLow uncertai nty EOS important such as groceri es impli es push Demand i sstable Transportation cost reduction is critical Pull wou1d not be appropriate here Low uncertainty but low value of economies of scale high volume books and cds Either push strategies or pushpull strategies might be most appropriate High uncertainty and high value of economies of seale For example the furniture industry How can production be pull but delivery push Is this a pull-push systemcom实施推-拉式战略1 characteristics and skillRaw Material Customers Pull Push Low Uncertainty Long Lead Times CostMinimization Resource Allocation High Uncertainty Short Cycle TimesService Level Responsiveness 2 Locating the Push-Pul 1 Boundary Thepush section requires Supply chain planning Long term strategies The pullsection requires Order fulfillment processes Customer relationshipmanagement Buffer inventory at the boundaries The output of the tacticalplanning process The input to the order fulfillment process reduceinventory holding cost the location of the push-pul 1 boundary for variouscompanies and industries 53 Distribution Strategies com Warehousing通过仓储的配送战略仓库保持库存根据顾客所需从仓库向顾客配送comDirect Shipping直接运输的配
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