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高速列车基础力学问题研究摘 要:该研究初步建立了基于轮轨、流固和弓网的高速列车运行性 能影响分析方法,主要包括以下方面:(1)基于轮轨关系研究的高速列车 非线性稳定性及平稳性计算模型,并对其相互关系和作用机理进行分析;(2)建立高速列车引传动系统模型,分析弓网特性对牵引制动性能的影 响,提出求解方法;(3)研究黏着控制对高速列车制动安全距离的影响, 建立解析模型,提出解析方法;(4)调研高速列车噪音源及国内外降噪方 案。在此基础上初步研究了各因素对高速列车的稳定性、平稳性、安全性、 牵引制动、舒适性等运行性能指标的关联关系,为建立高速列车运行性能 评估方法,给出高速列车的设计指导奠定了基础。关键词:高速列车运行稳定性运行平稳性牵引制动性能舒适性Abstract: The sub-project 6 initially establ i shes the analysi s method of high speed train , s performance considering the relationship of wheel-rail, fluid-solid and cate nary 一 pantograph, including such aspects: (1) nonlinear stability and smoothness analysis method of high speed train based on the wheel-rail relationship; (2) establ ish the traction drive model of high speed train, analyzes the influence of catenary-pantograph relationship to the traction and braking performanee; (3) analyzes the influence of adhesion control on the braking distance; (4) research on the noise resource of high speed train and noise reduction method. Based on this, the report analyzes the relationship between various factors and operating performance of high speed train, which is prepared for the establishing of evaluation method and design principles of high speed train.Key Words : High speed train; Running stability ; Running smoothness; Traction and braking performance; Comfort阅读全文链接(需实名注册):http :/www. nstrs. cn/xiangxiBG. aspx? id二50581&flag二1
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