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中考英语交际运用复习 看病Seeing the doctor摘要:(1)医生诊断常用语:What s the matter?/ What s the problem?怎么了?What seems to be the trouble?有什么问题?Do you have a fever?你发烧了? How long have you felt like this?你这样多久了(1) 医生诊断常用语:%1 What s the matter?/ Whats the problem?怎么了?%1 What seems to be the trouble?有什么问题?%1 Do you have a fever?你发烧了?%1 How long have you felt like this?你这样多久了?%1 It s noting serious.没什么严重的。%1 Take this medicine twice a day.这药一天服两次。%1 Are you sure it s nothing serious?你能肯定不要紧吗?%1 You 11 be all right soon .你的病不久就会好的。%1 She 11 get well /all right soon .她很快就会好的。(2) 病人叙述病情常用语:%1 There s something wrong with Kate?凯特有点不舒服。%1 I ve got a cough/headache.我咳嗽。/我头疼。%1 I feel even worse.我觉得更难受了。%1 I m feeling even worse.我觉得更加难受了。%1 I don t feel well. I feel terrible. /I feel bod.我不舒服。%1 T ve got a pain here. /It hurts here. / This place hurts. 我这儿疼。%1 He wi 11 be OK if I do one small operation.我做个小手术他就会好的。%1 There s something wrong with my eyes.我的眼睛有点不舒服。I can t sle ep well.我睡的不是很好。例题 14: -What s wrong with you?A. I ve got a headacheB. She 11 take some medicineC I ve gota new bikeD. I m a doctor
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