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【摘要】经过20多年的开发、建设与发展,开发区在我国深化改革、扩大开放发挥君雨要作用,成为区域 乃至金国经济增长的引擎与亟要支柱,随若开发区经济地位与经济贡献的I I益凸显,开发区的运行机理,成 为各级政府与开发区建设者共同关注的话题,也是许多理论工作者致力研究的焦点。木文以转型时期开 发区实践为研究背景,在基丁丿I:发区中观层面问题(开发区的丿I:发模式以及对应开发模式下的经济系统运行 规律)的深入探讨与理论分析的垒础上,対丿I:发区贞要微观经济主体的幵发区集I才I公司发展模式等问题展幵 研究,从呦观察不同时段和不同环境下的开发区发展状况,研究开发区集团公司发展动力的传递机制,评价 开发区系统内经济制度的安排效率,有助于评判决定开发区发展与区域经济増长的真正力戢。开发区集团公 司发端于载体产品价格扭曲的2:观政策环境、咼度集中的资源划配置制度以及缺乏自主权的微观经苒体 制,木文从业务选择模式、交易行为模式、金融关系模式及组织结构模式等方面入于,揭示了开发区集团公 司发展模式的动态演进特征,并対开发区集团公司的生产、经营、管理、融资等活动的内涵性实质进行了深 入分析。木文认为:(1)开发区集团公司的产生和发展与开发区产业的纽织和实施之间存在看密切的经济关 联,同时,山于开发区产业特殊的属性与内容,决定开发区集团公司的业务选择模式与其之间存在若显苦 的因果关系;(2)开发区载体产品的价格形成过程是交易主体经过理性利益权衡下博弈的结果,开发区载体 产胡的交易行为特征及伴随石交易行为所延仲出的一系列经济、金融政策等内容,为丿I:发区集团公司的行为 特征捉供了一个新的观察视和与行为边界的注脚;(3)开发区集团公司的融资过程可以看成是资木在开发区 一定制度结构中的某种职能结合的过程,开发区集团公司融资模式是开发区集团公司在金融交易过程中所 缔结的一切交易治理结构的集合,呦交易治理结构的形成乂是交易多方利益上体采取不同的治理措施进行 博弈均衡的结果;(4)开发区集团公司的组织结构模式反映了开发区集团公司与其所处开发区经济环境体系 Z间的关系,丿I:发区区集团公司基丁不同发展动因及具体发展路径选择而形成的组织结构模式各令所异,木 文建立了开发区集凶公司组织结构受到双W约束卜的动态博弈模和,并分析推导了政府主导世组织结构模 式、混介熨纽织结构模式和企业主导熨纽织结构模式及其条件要索与博弈均衡条件。本文在基于以上分析 的慕础上,从业务开发模式发展方向和纽织制度模式发展方向两个维度提出幵发区产业模式的发展方向, 并指出开发区集团公司的发展趋势将沿看规模扩张一产业升级治理完善一能级跃迁的轨迹成长, 其借助的于段将采取产融资木结合,市场化、专业化、规模化运莒方式,其中一些资产规模庞人、经营理念 先进、管理能力卓越的开发区集团公司将向著类金融控股坝企业发展。更多还原【Abstract With the construction and development in more than two decades, Development Zones in China now serve as engines for regional and even natiorml economic growth Therefore, they are performing i more important role in our country? s deepening reform and further opening up to the outside wor1d With their contribution fully recognized, their operation mechanism has become a topic of conunon interest of their managerial staff and the governments at all levels, and a focus of research by academics. With the btickground of Developmenl Zones practice in the transitional period in China, this paper is intended to launch a research on development models of Group Companies, the micro-economic main bodies of Development Zones and so on based on an in-depth discussion and analysis of such middle-view-level issues as Dove 1opment. Models of Development Zones and operational rules of their economic system Research is also done on development in different periods of time and in various envir()nments, the transfer mechanism of growth power of Group Companies In the meanwhile, analysis is made on the economic system assignment offi(-ion(-y in Development Zones to clarify the contributivo elements in Development Zones flourishing and regional economic growth .Group Companies in Development Zones started in the niacro-policy-environment with twisted conunodity prices when the highly-centered resource alloccition system was in work and in a 1ackinginse1f-management-power micro-operation-environment This paper is designed to disclose the dynamic development characteri sties of the Dove 1opmont Models of these companies in 1ight. of their Business ChoiceModel, Trading Behavior Model, Pinancial Relations Model, Organizational Structure Model and so on. Meanwhile, in-depth analysis is conducted on the nature tind connotation of their activities as production, operation, management, financing and so on. In this paper, firstly, it is held that starting and growth of Group Companies in Development Zones are closely I inked in oconomic regard with the organization and implementdtion of industries in the zones The special nature and con tents of industries in the zones decide thtit an importci nl cause and effect relati on exists between Group Companies Business Choice Model and the industries in the zones. Secondly, the pricing process of their products is a result of game by the trade entities with sensible profit reasoning. The trading behavior character!sties and the extended contents such as economic and financial policies provide us a new perspective and footnotes of behavior border of the behavior characteristics of Group Companies Thirdly, the financing process could be defined as combination of certain functions of ctipitoil in the system “nd structure in Development Zones Their financing model refers to the grid of all trade governance models formed in trading process, whereas forming of trade governaneo mode Is reflect the results of game equiIibrium of governaneo measures by benefit entities involved in trading Fourthly, the Group Componies organizational structure models reflect their relations with the economic environment of the Development Zones The organizational structure models may vary for diversified development motives and development approaches A dynamic game model for their organizational structures under double control is estab1ished in thi s paper and the structure elements and conditions for game equi1ibrium are discussed for Government-led Organizational Structure, Mixture Organizational Structure and Company-led Orgtinizal ional Structure .Based on the above tin alysis, the developme nL of Industrial Model of Developmenl Zones is proposed to be realized in the dimensions of their Business Expansion M
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