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Unit7 How much are these socks? 第 2 课时 Section A Teaching goals:Students should learn how to use “How much ?” to talk about clothes and prices. By learning, they can make their own dialogues about shopping. Teaching steps:Step1 Greeting and leading-in Hello, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Miss Zhous store. Have a simple greeting. Ask the models to show the clothes in the classroom. Then ask :“Do you like these clothes? Do you want to buy them?” to introduce the new lesson. T: Hello! Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Miss Zhous store. We have many new fashion clothes. First welcome the models. (six students come to the classroom and make a model show ) T: Now let s look at the models. What s this? Ss: I t s a hat.(jacket, T-shirt, skirt, sweater) T: And what are these? Ss: They are socks.(shoes, shorts, trousers) T: Very good! Do you like them? Ss: Yes. T: Do you want to buy them? Ss: Yes. T: Do you know the meaning of “buy”? Ss: 买. T: Yes, you are right. Read after me: buy. Ss:Buy. T: Do you know how to say “卖” Ss:T: Ok, I will tell you. “sell ” read after me: sell. Ss: Sell. T: Look, the price of the skirt is $ 25, so how much is this skirt? Ss: It s twenty-five dollars. T: Great! So today we will learn a new unit. Unit7, How much are these socks? 设计意图:通过学生走秀的表演调动气氛,导入新课,表达本课主题Step2 Presentation ( 1 )Match the words with the things in the picture.(1a) ( 2 )Listen and circle the things you hear in the pictures in 1a. ( 3 ) Express the new structures of this unit “How much is this ”“It s”“How much are these ”“Theyre”Show some pictures and practice. T: Look, the price of this T-shirt is nine dollars. So how much is this T-shirt ? Ss: It s nine dollars. T: These socks are eight dollars. How much are these socks? $9$8Ss: They re eight dollars. 设计意图: 通过实物展示,学习新句型,让学生们对新句型有初步印象,并且知道单复数的使用 . Step3 Pair work (1) Ask students to work in pairs and make their own conversations( 1c)(2) Show their conversations 设计意图: 简短的对话操练句型,强化学生们对句型的掌握,特别注意单复数的提问和回答的不同Step4 Revision, listening and singing ( 1 )Review the words of color and do some listening in Section A 2b, 2c. (2 )Divide boys and girls into two parts and ask and answer the prices of the clothes in the screen. T: Just now you did a great job, look at the screen, and answer my question. What color is it? Ss: It sT: Good, then let s finish 2b,2c in Page 38. Listen to the video carefully. Boys and girls have a match, ask the prices in the screen. Boys : How much is the hat? Girls : I t s thirteen dollars. How much is the jacket?Boys: I t s forty-five dollars. 设计意图:加入颜色后继续操练,练习听力并迅速写出准确的价钱,接着学生齐唱color song . 再次联系颜色和衣服Step 5 Reading and translation Read the conversation in 2e together, and then translate the Chinese together. 设计意图:快速理解和处理2e 内容,当堂翻译,掌握好中英文的转化Step 6 Group work Ask the group members to make some conversations, one is the salesperson, and the other two are mom and son(daughter), Let the students come to the platform and have a performance. 设计意图: 小组活动, 在表演中增强学生对本课字词和句型的巩固和加深印象,并且给学生更多展示空间Step 7Summary Grammar focus 1.How much is this/that + _.? It s . 2.How much are these/those + _ ? Theyre . Step 8 The end-of class test (1).Make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes.(3a) the, this, that, these, those. T-shirt hat trousers skirt sweater shorts shoes bag jacket socks How much is.? How much are.? yellow green purple blue black red white purple pink white _ (2)Look at the picture and write the questions and answers (3b) 1. How much is that hat? _ _ 2. How much is the bag? _ 3. How much is the T-shirt? _ 4. _ ? They are three dollars. 5. _ ? It s nine dollars. 6. _ ? It s eight dollars. (3) Fill in the blanks1.How much is your _?(衬衫)2.How much are these_?(短裤)3.Do you like that _ ?(毛衣)4._ _ (多少钱) are this hamburger and the French fries ? 5.This watch is very nice. It is _ (50美元 ). 6.How much _ (be) his shoes? 7.How much _ (be) the red socks? 亮点:设计场景,学生参与度高,能非常好的理解并使用所学知识,起到巩固训练的目的。学生非常乐意学并积极参与训练,课堂气氛热烈。循序渐进,由简单的句型练习到整个对话的展开,面向全体学生。使用建议:在展开课堂教学的过程中,老师尽量用幽默风趣的语言,让学生轻松愉快接受知识。这样有利于调动学生的积极性,学生想参与了,这样才能使场景活动很好的展开。答案: Fill in the banks 1.shirt 2.shorts 3.sweater 4.How much 5.fifty dollars 6.are 7.are
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