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lA walkmanl My father bought it for me when I was in Grade Nine.lHow long have I had the walkman?lI have had it for 15years. ( since 15 years ago.)l It brings back good memories to me.Unit 10 Ive had Ive had this bike for three yearsfor three years.AmyJeffA yard sale 1a In the US, when people want to give up their old things for a little money, they have yard sales. They put a sign up in their yard, maybe place an ad in the newspaper or on the Internet and sell things they wont use any more . Often people have yard sales when they are getting ready to move from one place to another. Sometimes, you can find good things at yard sales at a good price. People sell everything from clothes, dishes and books to CDs, furniture and art.yard sale庭院旧货出售1st listening Whats the relationship between Amy and Jeff? What things did Amy ask about?Amy asked about a bike and a book.They are neighbors and friends.While-listening1b1b_ Jeffs family is having a yard sale._ Amy thinks its hard to sell her old things._ Jeff has had has had his bike for more than 10 years._ Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories._You can also give old things away to people in need.AmyJeff1. Our family so many things over the years, but we use them .2. There are many things I since I was a child.3. It is hard to to things.4. have your had that bike over there?5. Old things really . But its true that we may again.6. You can those, or you can also to kids or people .has collecteddontanymorehas hadsay goodbyecertainHow longbring back sweet memoriesnever use some of these thingssellgive them awaywho need themAft3rd listeninger-listening1btapescriptsAmy: You have some great things in this yard sale, Jeff. Jeff: Thanks, Amy. Our family has collected so many things over the yearsover the years, but we dont use them anymore.anymore.Amy:But isnt it hard to sell some of your things? There are many things Ive had Ive had sincesince I was a child. I dont think I could sell them.Jeff: Yes, its hard to say goodbye to certain things.Amy: By the wayBy the way, how long have you had that how long have you had that bike over there?bike over there?Jeff: Ive had it for three years! I learned how to ride a bike on it.Amy:Old things really bring back sweet bring back sweet memories memories. But its true that we never use some of these things again.Jeff: Yes,likelike old toys or books youve already youve already readread. You can sell those, or you can givegive them away away to kids or people who need themwho need them.Amy: Oh! How much is this book?Jeff: You can have it for 75 cents. 1cA: This is a really old book. B: Yes, Ive had it for seven years. Ive read it three times.A: Why are you selling it?B: Because I dont read it anymore.A: How much is it?B: You can have it for 75 cents.2aListen and check ( ) the things Amys family are giving away and circle the things they are keeping. book magazine toy bear toy lion toy tiger bread maker sweater dress hat scarf2bListen again and fill in the blanks.1. Amy has had her favorite _ for three years.2. Amy has had the toy _ since she was a _. 3. Amys mom has had the old bread maker for more than _ years.4. Amy can give away the _ and _ because they do not fitfit her anymore.bookbearbabytensweater dressMom: Mom: Lets look through look through this box of old things and decide what to give awaywhat to give away.Amy: Amy: I think I want to keep this book. I Ive hadve had it for three years. Even though Even though Ive already readread it twice, its still my favorite book. But we can give away themagazine.Mom: Mom: What about these soft toyssoft toys?Amy: Amy: I want to keep the bear because Ive ve hadhad it since I was a baby. It has special meaning special meaning to me because Grandma gave it to me. Ill give away the lion and tiger. 2aTapescriptsMom: Mom: OK. And this old bread maker of old bread maker of mine mine can go, too. Ive had it for more than 10 years. Aunt Taylor bought a new one for me last week.Amy: Amy: Thats great. We can still have homemade breadhomemade bread. And I can give away this sweater and dress, too. They dontnt fit fit me anymore.anymore. But I want to keep the hat and scarf for ice skatingice skating.Mom: Mom: Great. You can take these things to the childrens home tomorrow then.2cStudent A is Amys mom. Student B is Amy. Make conversations.A: Amy, can we give away give away these soft toyssoft toys?B: Mom, I want to keepkeep the bear.A: Why? Its so old.B: Because Ive had it sincesince I was a baby. Where does Linda work?Where does Linda work? What does Amy want to do?What does Amy want to do?AmyAmyLinda Linda 2d2dl What things Amy brought? How long have Amy and her mom had these things? 2d2dfor a couple of monthsfor a couple of monthssince she was a childsince she was a childfor a long timefor a long timeWhat to give awayWhat to give awayAmys Amys donationsdonationsHow longHow long2dRole-play the conversation.Linda: Welcome to Welcome to the Sunshine Home for Childrenthe Su
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