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Book4 Module 1 Life in the Future Period 1 Introduction Teaching aims:1. Words connected with page 1 -32. Oral English about building materials Teaching process: . Presentation What materials are our school buildings made of from? (what about our classrooms window ,walls ,floors and so on ) . Key vocabulary 1. 替换的;供选择的东西_ 2. 装载v. _; n._ 3. 拘留_4.预告,预言 v._ n. _ adj._ 天气预测 f_ 5.罪犯;犯人_ 6.危险的adj. r_ v. _ 7.fire v._(多义)8.limit v.n._ mand v.n._ 10. charge n._ v._ (多义)11.系;贴_ 12.都市的 _ 13.surgery _ 14.solar _15.失去能力;伤残 n._ adj._ 16.娱乐;消遣_.part 1 on page 1.part 2 on page 2Exercises:1. 你认为它在什么地方 ?(翻译英文)_2他们知道他们冒着被捕的危险(risk doing) They knew they risked .3.He was f _ for stealing money from the company.4. There is a l_ to ones life, but there is no limit to studying.5. 老师命令我不准迟到。(command )The teacher _ late.The teacher commanded that he _ (go )out of the classroom.6.Do you have an a_ solution to the problem ?7.It is impossible to p_ who will win .8.The man was _ (arrest ) by the police because of the robbery.Book 3 Module 1 Life in the FuturePeriod 3 Language Points .phrases1.确切地_ sure 2.做出预测_ predictions 3.在将来 _ the future 4.爱护环境 care _ the _ 5自然资源_ resources 6用光,耗尽run _ 7依赖,依靠rely _ 8.run a city _9.摆脱,除去get rid _ 10.把.装上load_. 11.within a future citys limits _ 12.订购,下订单_ orders 13.在出生时_birth 14.免费 free _ charge 15.轻按开关_ the flick of a _ 16.实施,执行carry _ 17.senior citizens_ 18.把固定,被附在上be attached _. sentences1. In the future, _ will become very important_ earths natural resources _ .在未来,爱护环境将会是很重要,因为地球的资源将濒临枯竭。2. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth _ no matter _.每个人一出生就会给予一个电话号码,将来无论他们居住在哪儿,这个电话号码将不会更改。小结:no matter +where引导的_ 状语从句,相当于_ 引导的状语从句。相类似的还有:_等等。仿写:不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。_ points out our shortcomings, we will correct them. 3. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away, _.随着每个城市拥有自己的远程门诊部,医生将能在数千里以外实施手术,远程手术将变的非常普通。小结:本句是一个含有with 复合结构的简单句,在句子中做_ 语。仿写:With _ ,trees turn green. 春天到了,树变绿了。 4. _, the city will load huge space ships with waste materials and send them towards the sun ,_landfill and environmental problems.为了摆脱垃圾问题的困扰,城市将会用巨型宇宙飞船装载废弃材料,朝太阳发射,这样做防止垃圾填埋和环境问题。小结:to do sth. 是动词不定式表_. 第二空中doing 作_, 相当于_.仿写:_, (为了通过下周的考试),every student is working hard .Exercises:1.Going to public concerts is often _ .(免费)2. We must _ our own _ to do it .我们必须依靠自己的努力来完成它。3.We _ (处理掉)all the old furniture when we moved to this city.4.我们的钱已用完了(一句多译)run out run out of use up A._B._C._5.The air _ (弥漫着)smoke and dirt.6.I had some difficulty in _ (执行) the plan .Could you help me ?7._ a recent photograph _ the form .把近期的一张照片贴在表格上。8,I can say_ (肯定地)that no one else loves me more than you do in this world.Correction:1. At that time ,he was sure of he would go to that university . 2. He was caught in rain , thus make him ill. 3. With all the things she needed buying , she went home happily .4. He is in the charge of the school work .5. His father commanded that he stayed at home to study.6. Whenever breaks the law should be punished. Period 4 Cultural CornerTeaching aims:1. Understand the text 2. Master some key language points and learn to use . Read and fill in the blanks Not all predictions 1._Airplanes No 2._ machine from New York to Pairs 19083._The world market for five computers 1943ClothesMade of paper ,and thrown away after being worn two or three times 4._Men on the moon With the first moon 5._ predicted for the 1970s ,work is now in 6._
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