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Unit 1 Festivals around the world Grammar课 题B3U1 语法自学质疑案编制人审核人自 学 质 疑 学 案目标导学学 习 目 标识记理解应用1.学生通过自学,能构建情态动词用法知识树。I 2.通过观看视频,合作探究,解决自学中的疑难。3.认真投入,体验发现问题和解决问题的成就感。重点难点 can/ could表推测阅读记录学 案 内 容I. 语法自学情态动词表示说话人的某种感情或语气,对某一动作或状态的某种态度。表示“需要、可以、必须、应当”等。1. can & could /be able to1)表示能力,指有能力做某事,意为“能够”。 My grandma is over eighty, but she can read without glasses.2)表示请求或允许,意为“可否”、“可以”。 could 比can 更有礼貌,在此不是can的过去式。例如:- Could I use your phone?-Yes, of course. You can. *3)表示可能性 表示理论上的、普遍的可能性,即并非说话者的主观猜测。Accidents can happen to any drunken driver.表示说话者主观猜测,只能用于否定句或疑问句中。例如:It cant be my father. He is now in England. -Can it rain tomorrow? -No, it cant. 2. may & might*1)表示可能性, might 不是may的过去式,它所表示的可能性比may 小,含较多的怀疑。He may be very busy now. (可能性较大) He might be very busy now. (可能性较小)第 1 页学 案 内 容阅读记录2)表示许可,表示允许别人做某事, 也可征求对方的许可。He may go now. May I use your dictionary?3) 表示祝愿。 May you succeed! May you have a nice trip!3. will & would*1)表示意愿, 表示愿意做或主动提出做,如意志,愿望或决心等。That bag looks heavy, Ill help you with it. - Please call me when you get home. - Yes, I will.*2)表示习惯This old man is strange. He will sit for hours without saying anything.We would sit around Grandpa after supper, listening to his stories.3)表示请求, 用于第二人称, would 比will 更委婉。Will you come this way, please? Would you open the window?4. shall &should 1)shall 的用法 shall 用于第一,第三人称疑问句,表示征求对方的意见。Shall we put off the sports meeting until next month?Shall Tom go there with me tomorrow? shall 用于第二,第三人称陈述句,表示说话人给对方的命令,警告,允诺或威胁。You shall fail if you dont work harder. He shall have the book when I finish reading it.He shall be punished.*用于第三人称,表示法律条文、规章制度的规定。 All students shall wear uniforms.2) should 的用法 should 意为“应该”。 You should go to class right away.* should用于表达合理推断。 It is three oclock, the football game should begin now. *表示“假如,万一”。If things should change suddenly, please let me know.* 意为“竟然”。It is surprising that he should have made such a foolish mistake. 自学反思第 2 页训 练 展 示 学 案目标导学学 习 目 标识记理解应用1. 灵活运用情态动词的基本用法完成训练展示中的练习。II2. 通过展示、点评、观看视频,解决练习中的疑难。II3. 积极合作,条理点评,体验学习的快乐。重点难点can/ could表推测。学生笔记(教师点拨)学 案 内 容I.疑难突破:II. 训练展示:1. _ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?No. It _ be Wu Dong who did it.A. Can; must B. Must; need C. May; must D.Need; can 2. Dont forget to visit me when you come toBeijing. _.A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havent3. Could I use your bike? Yes, surely you _. A. might B. will C. can D. should4. Her brother _ be at home now, because he was seen playing basketball in the stadium just now. A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. shouldnt5. When can you get my car repaired? I need it tomorrow morning. It _ be ready by 8:00. A. can B. needC. might D. should 6. Are you coming for dinner?Im not quite sure. I _ go to my unclesinstead.A. must B. would C. shouldD. might7. Dont believe him. What he said _ be true.A. mustnt B. neednt C. shouldnt D. may not8. _ I go home now, sir?No, you _. You should finish the composition first.A. Might; wouldnt B. May; had better not C. Must; mustnt D. Need; mustnt9. _ I use your bike? Certainly. Here is the key.A. Shall B. Must C. Will D. Does10. Its hard to believe that Jack _ have fought with the policeman. - Yes. If one _ ask for trouble, it cant be helped. A. would; will B. must; may C. should; must D. need; dare第 3 页学 案 内 容学生笔记(教师点拨)11. How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article? A. canB. mustC. need D. may12. - I havent got the reference book yet, but Ill have a test on the subject next month. - Dont worry. You _ have it by Friday. A. could B. shall C. must D. may13. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _ have taken it? A. should B. must C. could D. would14. Is John coming by train? He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may15. Its nearly seven oclock, Jack _ be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. can16. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out. A. had to B. would C. was able to D. could17. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. A. might B. need C. should D. would18. Write to me when you get home.
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