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Section Writing人物介绍写作技法指导文体指导高考英语写作中的写人侧重人物的介绍,可以用第一人称(如写求职信),也可以用第三人称,时态常常用一般现在时和一般过去时,具体的人称和时态要依据写作的要求来确定。写作过程中要注意以下几个方面的问题:1人物写作通常需要介绍人物的姓名、年龄、外貌、学历、经历、专业、爱好、特长、事迹、性格等多个方面,但英语写作需要严格按照写作要求来写,包括所给的全部信息点,既不能遗漏,也不能随意添加。2对题目所给的信息要进行适当重组,安排好写作顺序,突出重点信息。重点信息通常是写作的目的所在,比如求职要重点突出学历、经历,新闻报道要重点突出事迹,介绍自己的老师、朋友要突出他们的特点等等。3正确运用描写人物的词汇和句型。4注意运用正确的时态。描写人物的外貌、性格、兴趣等常用一般现在时,而描写人物的出生、教育背景、经历、事迹常用一般过去时。亮点句式1Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。2The man wearing a red coat looked ridiculous.穿着红外衣的那个男子看上去真可笑。3Ten years hard work made her look older than her age.十年的辛苦劳作使她看起来比她年龄老。 4He is a smart young man who is always welldressed.他是一位穿着入时的美男子。满分佳作构建写作任务你校将在假期组织部分学生赴英国学习。作为该项目的负责人,你需负责将两位赴英学生的情况介绍给英方家庭。请根据以下表格内容,写信给英方家庭介绍这两位学生的情况。姓名李华陈伟特点开朗,乐观待人友善,有点害羞爱好体育活动,阅读,听音乐与李华一样担心的问题饮食不习惯沟通困难期望多了解英国的历史文化多交朋友,提高英语水平审题谋篇体裁说明文时态一般现在时为主主题人物介绍人称第三人称为主结构第一段:介绍两个人的基本情况;第二段:说明两个人的期望。遣词造句.对接单元词汇1desire渴望2optimistic 乐观的3as for 关于4be concerned about 担心5have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难6as far as 就而言.巧用单元句式、语法(一)完成句子1李华很活跃乐观,然而陈伟很友好,有点害羞。Li Hua is active and optimistic while Chen Wei is friendly and a bit shy2他们都喜欢运动、阅读和听音乐。They both enjoy playing sports,reading and listening to music.3李华渴望更多地了解英国的历史文化。Li Hua desires to know more about the culture and history of Britain(二)句式升级4Chen Wei is afraid of the situation.He will have difficulty in communicating with others.(用定语从句合并句子) Chen Wei is afraid of the situation in which he will have difficulty in communicating with others.5Li Hua is concerned about a problem.The problem is whether he will be accustomed to the diet.(用宾语从句合并句子)Li Hua is concerned about whether he will be accustomed to the diet.妙笔成篇 【参考范文】Li Hua is active and optimistic while Chen Wei is friendly and a bit shy.However,they both enjoy playing sports,reading and listening to music.When it comes to what they worry about,Li Hua is concerned about whether he will be accustomed to the diet and Chen Wei is afraid of the situation in which he will have difficulty in communicating with others.As far as their expectations,Li Hua desires to know more about the culture and history of Britain.As for Chen Wei he wants to make more friends and improve his English.
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