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Unit 2English around the world【单元导航】中国式英语欧洲人做过精细的统计,自1994年以来加入国际英语行列的词汇中,中式英语贡献了5%到20%,超过任何其他来源。除“孔夫子(Confucious)”、“中国功夫(kung fu)”、“麻将(mahjong)”或者“豆腐(tofu)”之类绝无仅有的称谓,再挑拣几个真正有中国气质、代表华夏气派、并影响全球当代生活的“鸡蛋词”。 (一)丝绸silk中国是养蚕大国,丝绸的故乡。“silk”的发音,显然是汉语的音译,这个词代表了中国高超的工艺技术和贸易强势。即便现在,丝绸仍在现代生活中充当雍容华丽、典雅高贵的象征。(二)茶tea这个词,又是英国人从拗口的闽南话里偷走的。茶,和丝绸、瓷器比肩,堪称古代中国对外贸易的拳头产品。目前,品茶代表了一种生活方式和文化品位。 18世纪的柴斯特顿勋爵在训子家书里写道:“尽管茶来自东方,它毕竟是绅士气味的;而可可则是个痞子、懦夫,一头粗野的猛兽。”(三)世外桃源Shangrila (Xanadu)这是两个近义词,都有“世外桃源”的意思。“Shangrila”出自西藏的传说之地香格里拉,“Xanadu”则是蒙古的元上都。如果要表达“世外桃源”,通常采用“Xanadu”这个词。(四)风水Feng Shui风水,还是音译。它凝聚了古代中国在活人住宅和死人墓地方面的集体智慧。近年来,风水在美国红极一时,从中国人唇齿之间发出的音节,已经成为当代人急需探究的学问。(五)走狗running dogs中国式英语“running dogs”贴切地表达了一种见利忘义、供人驱使的“下三烂”。最先运用这个词的是中国人,还是英国人,已无从考证;重要的是,英语世界接纳了“走狗”,并以汉语的思维抚育这个“外来词”。接纳词汇的同时,无形中也接受了中国人的价值观。(六)大款、巨亨tycoon这种称呼是近些年才流行街巷的,指有钱、有势的商人或者企业家,中国传统的叫法是“大掌柜”。Section OneWarming Up and Reading.Leadin1.Can you name some countries in which English is spoken?2.Is the English in those countries the same?3.Do you know the differences between American English and British English?British EnglishAmerican EnglishSpellingcolourfavouritetheatrecentremetretravelledcolor favorite theater centermeter traveledWordslift (电梯)petrol (汽油)flat (公寓)autumnunderground (地铁)university (大学)rubbish (垃圾)dustbin (垃圾箱)holidayfortnight (两星期)elevatorgasapartmentfallsubwaycollegegarbagetrash canvacationtwo weeks.速读课文,回答下列问题 (1) From AD 450 to 1150,English sounded more like .A.French B.ChineseC.German D.Russian答案C (2) Between AD 800 and 1500,English sounded more like .A.French B.ChineseC.German D.Russian答案A (3)Shakespeares English was spoken around .A.1400s B.1150sC.450s D.1600s答案D.精读课文,完成下列问题1.完成下列表格The road to modern EnglishAD 4501150The English was spoken in England.It was based more on (1)German than the English we speak at present.AD 8001150Because the people who (2)ruled England spoke first Danish and later French,English became (3)less like German.In the 1600s(4)Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.In 1620Some British settlers moved to (5)America.In the 18th centurySome British people were taken to (6)Australia.17651947English was spoken in India as well as in Africa and Asia.It became the language for (7)government and education in India.By the 19th centuryThe English language was settled.Two big changes: Samuel Johnson wrote his (8)dictionary.Noah Webster wrote (9)The American Dictionary of the English Language and gave a separate identity to (10)American English spelling.NowEnglish is also spoken in (11)India,(12)Singapore,(13)Malaysia,(14)Africa and so on.2.概括每段的大意 Para.1:It describes the extension of English in the world. Para.2:It tells us native speakers can understand each other but not everything. Para.3:It tells the development of English as native language. Para.4:It tells us English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries.与同桌讨论、理解下列长难句并尝试翻译成汉语1.At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. 句子结构分析: spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150在句中作the English的 定语;spoken today作定语修饰第二个the English。 翻译:起先,从公元450年到1150年,人们所说的英语跟今天所说的英语就不同。2.It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 句子结构分析: be based on意为“以为基础”;more A than B意为“与B相比, 更像A;与其说是B不如说是A”。 we speak at present作定语修饰the English。 翻译:当时的英语更多地是以德语为基础,而我们今天所说的英语不是。.小组讨论(选择其中一个题目即可)1.What factors affected the use of a language? (提示:international role,economic development,development of democracy, the image in the world,cultural development)2.Why do you think people all over the world want to learn English?3.Will Chinese English become one of the world English?Section TwoLanguage Points1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?你知道吗,(世界上)有许多英语 种类? There are more than 100 people at the party. 有100多人参加聚会。 Peace is much more than the absence of war. 和平不仅仅意味着没有战争。 Her performance was more than good;it was perfect. 她的表演非常好,可以说是完美的。 He more than smiled;he laughed outright. 他岂止是微笑,简直是大笑了。 The consequence was much more than he imagined. 结果远远超过了他的想像。 more than数词,意为比多,超过,相当于over;其后接名词,意为不只是,不仅 仅,表示程度和加强语气;其后接形容词或副词,意为十分,非常;其后接动词,意为 岂止是,不仅仅;其后接从句,意为比更。 (1)more.than. morethan.为一个表示比较级的句型,意为“比”。 The problem is more complicated than we expected. 这个问题比我们预料的要复杂得多。 Youve actually given me more help than I need. 你其实没必要给我这么多帮助。 more A than B 相当于not so much B as A,是指“与其B倒不如A”。 He failed to pass the driving test. 他没能通过驾驶考试。 The reason lies more in his carelessness than in his timidness. 与其说是因为他胆小倒
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