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Unit1 Period5 language Points学习目标:1.掌握阅读中出现的一些重点单词和词组2. 学会应用所学的一些重点单词和词组3. 更好地理解文章内容4. 提高阅读和写作能力【预习案】:重点单词1.Culture 文化,文明_文化的2._罕见的,稀有的rarely罕见地3.value价值,评估_贵重的,有价值的4._(vt.)幸存,幸免_(n)幸免,幸存,生还survivor幸存者5._(vt.)使吃惊;惊讶_(adj.)令人吃惊的amazed感到吃惊的amazement(n.)吃惊,惊讶10. art (n.)艺术,美术_(n.)艺术家11._(vi.)属于;为.的一员belongings (n.)(复数)财产;所有物12.receive (vt.)接待,接收_(n.)接待;招待会;接收13.wood (n.)木材;木头_(adj.)木制的14._(n.)怀疑;疑惑(vt.)怀疑;不信doubtful(adj.)可疑的;令人怀疑的;不确定的15._(n.)价值;作用(prep.)相当于.的价值_(adj.)值得.的【课内探究】活动探究一:核心词汇梳理&当堂检测1survive vi. 幸存,活下来vt.比活得长;经历之后还存在 例句:These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions. 这些植物在严寒中不能存活。 Did anyone survive the explosion? 那次爆炸事故中有人幸免吗? 派生 survival n. 幸存;survivor n. 幸存者完成句子 (1)Many strange customs have _(留下来) from earlier times. (2)She _ (比多活) her husband by ten years.2. wonder(1) n. C奇迹, 奇人/事/物, 奇观; U 惊奇The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.长城是世界奇观之一。They were filled with wonder when they saw the spaceship.当他们看到宇宙飞船时,他们非常惊奇。do / work wonders 创造奇迹, 取得惊人成就It is a wonder (that) .奇怪的是It is a wonder that he seems to know nothing about it.It is no wonder (that) No wonder (that)难怪;并不奇怪-He has been eating sweets all day.他整天在吃糖果.-No wonder he is not hungry. 难怪他不饿。(2)vt 不知道, 想知道I wonder how he did it.不知道他是怎么做那件事的。vi 觉得奇怪;感到惊奇 wonder at 对感到惊奇;惊叹I wonder at his rudeness.我对他的粗鲁感到奇怪。wonder about对感到疑惑, 很想知道I was wondering about Mr. Green.3design vt.&vi. 设计,绘制n设计;图案;式样 搭配(1)by design 有计划地;有意地 make designs / a design设计 in design 在设计上 (2)be designed to do/be designed for 目的是;打算给用 完成句子(1)这笔资金旨在帮助那些优秀的学生们。 This fund _help worthy students.(2)他为我们服装部搞设计。 He _ for our dress departments.4 fancy adj.奇特的;异样的At fancy-dress balls, people will wear fancy dress. vt.想象;设想; 喜欢fancy +从句 以为; fancy +(ones) doing 想象(某人)做某事 ; fancy sb. as/(to be). 认为某人是(1)._ (别以为)you can succeed without hard work.(2). He can t fancy_ (获得一等奖).(3). He_ (自以为是) a good poet.5decorate vt. 装饰,修饰;授予(某人)勋章 搭配 decorate.with. 用装饰 完成句子 (1)The streets _(被装饰)flags. (2)The scientist was _(被授予奖章因)his research.6. furniture 家具的总称 u 不论受什么修饰,前面不能加不定冠词 a ,也不能用复数一件家具_ 一套家具_7remove vt. 移走;排除;移开;拿开;去掉;开除,免 除,解除(职务等)vi. 迁移;移居 完成句子 他把画取下来,放到抽屉里。 He _ and put it in the drawer. 辨析 remove/move (1)move 普通用词,指从一处到另一处的任何距离、位置的转移。 (2)remove作“移动”解时,与move可换用,还可指撤职或开除学藉等。The man was _ from the office for some reason.(2)Were _ house next week.(3)She _ her hat and coat.8. Almost six hundred candles lit the room.light vi. vt. 照亮,点亮light-lit-lit或light-lighted-lighted, 过去分词作定语修饰名词时,只能用 lighted,表示 “点燃的”a lighted candle ( ) a lit candle ( )He _ a candle and the candle _ the room.9. worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花费时间(精力)的;可作定语和表语 a worthwhile experiment/job. The experiment is worthwhile.做某事是值得的 It is worthwhile to do sth.= It is worthwhile doing sth.= It is worth doing sth.It is _the book. 这是一本值得阅读的书。 worthy: 值得的:be worthy to be done be worthy of being done be worthy of + n. 活动探究二:重点短语解析&当堂检测1 deal with 处理,对付翻译:He is pretty difficult to deal with._提示 do with与deal with都有“处理”之意,但do with与what 连用,deal with与how连用。deal with还有“对付;相处;论及;与交易”之意补全句子(1)_(你如何处理掉这个箱子的)?(2)He is easy _(对付)(3)That man is easy _(相处)2 look into 调查;研究The police have received the complaint and they are looking into it. 警察已知道有人抱怨,正对此事展开调查。扩展: look forward to 盼望,希望 look out 当心;向外看 look after 照顾 look through 翻阅,读一遍;审阅 look up 在书中查阅(资料);抬头看 look around 环顾四周 look after 照看;负责处理 look back 回顾 look for 找寻用look短语填空,注意动词形式(1)The case is _.(2)The children are well _ in that school.(3)He _ the book,deciding on buying it.3in search of 寻找=in the search for Tom went off in search of some matches. 汤姆去找火柴了。 Scientists are in search of a cure for the disease. 科学家们正在寻找治疗这种疾病的方法。扩展:(1)search for 搜寻 (2)search.for. 为找到而搜查 (3)search sb./sth. 搜身/搜查某物 练习: (1). The police_ him to see if he had a gun. A. searched for B. searched C. in search of D. looked for(2). Many farmers go into towns and cities in search_ good jobs and higher pay.(3). Many people joined them in the search _
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