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Unit2 Tutorial Centres Reading学案(一)阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标结合课文与写作部分使学生对议论文基本结构有初步的了解。3 情感目标对文中持有不同观点的四篇短文进行讨论与分析,帮助学生辨证地看待语言培训中心,培养自主学习的积极态度与方法。(二)词汇学习Command have a good command of sth. 掌握,精通。 Eg. He has a good command of French.他精通法语。qualified adj.有资格的, 适合的, 胜任的 Hes qualified to teach. 他胜任教学。Communicate communicate with sb.与某人交流某事 We learn a language in order to communicate with other people.我们学习语言是为了与他人交流思想。Confidence give sb. confidence in doing sth. 在做某事上给某人以信心。 Have/lose confidence in doing sth.对。充满/失去信心Force be forced to do 强迫某人做. I am always forced to do the cleaning by my sister.我姐姐总是强迫我打扫卫生。Range range from to范围是 Their ages range from 25 to 50. 他们的年龄在25岁到50岁之间enroll enroll in加入,入学,注册Roes was not allowed to enroll in the Life Saving Course because she was under age. 罗丝因为太年轻,不能进入救生训练班。ask sb. for advice =turn to sb. for advice向.征求意见。as a result of 因为,由于。It is better to do than to do 与其.不如It is better to become prepared than to sit and do nothing .与其等待还不如着手准备。(三)answers(PAGE18)D1cheat, sincere, detective, command of , be willing to, reasonable.D2 supplementary , confidence, enroll, recommendation, qualified, attending, factor.
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