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welcome,Enter,Unit 10,Can you play the guitar?,Can you play the guitar?,Unit10,Period 1,Period 2,Period 3,Period 4,Can you play the guitar?,Yes , I can .,/ No , I cant,Play the guitar,Can you play basketball?,Can you / swim / ?,Swim,Can you /si / ?,Sing,What is this?,Can you /spi:k / English?,speak,Can you /dns/ /d:ns/ ?,dance,Can you / peint / ?,Paint,Can you play /tes / ?,chess,sectionA,1a,What can these people do? Match the words with the people .这些人会做什么呢?将词与人物匹配。,1.Dance _ 2.Swim _ 3.Sing _ 4.Paint _ 6.Speak English_ 7.Play the guitar_,a,e,f,b,c,g,1b Listen and number the conversations (1-3). 听录音,给下列对话编号(1-3)。,A:Can you swim? A:I want to join the art B:No, I cant club. B: Can you paint ? A: Yes, I can. A:I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can.,2,3,1,1c PAIRWORK 结队活动,1.Practice the conversation above with you Partner.,2.Show your conversations to the class.,2a Listen to these two conversations and circle the club you hear . 听两段对话,圈出你听到的俱乐部。,English club Art club Music club Chess club Swimming club,2b Complete the conversation with the words in the box. Then listen to the first conversation again and check you answer. 用方框中的单词补全对话。再听一遍第一段对话并检查答案。,to club want do play cant,David: what club_ you want _ join? Lisa: We _ to join the chess _. David: Can you _chess? Lisa: No, I _. Joe: I can.,do,to,want,play,club,Cant,2c GROUPWORK 小组活动,Practice the conversation above. Then make your own conversations.练习上面对话,然后编新对话。,Lets do some pair work:,Can you / she / he /they play basketball ?,Yes, I /she /he/they can. No, I /she /he/they cant,Homework,Writing Write something about your family members what they can do or cant.,Goodbye,Can he sing ?,Yes , he can .,Can he play volleyball ?,No , he cant.,Can she sing ?,Yes , she can .,Can she play soccer ?,No, she cant.,Can they sing?,Yes, they can./No, they cant.,can,I can dance.,dance,cant,I cant dance.,主语+can+动词原形,play the guitar,can,cant,I can play the guitar.,I cant play the guitar.,主语+can+动词原形,play chess,can,cant,I can play chess.,I cant play chess.,主语+can+动词原形,paint,can,cant,I can paint.,I cant paint.,主语+can+动词原形,Grammar focus,Can you dance?,Can he paint?,What club do you want to join ?,Can she speak English ?,Can you speak English ?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,Yes, he can.,No, he cant.,Yes, She can.,No, she Cant,Yes, we can.,No, we cant.,We want to join the chess Club.,I want to join the basketball club.,3a,Put these sentences in order to make a conversation.将下列句子排列成对话。,_ I dont know. _ What can you do? _ What club do you want to join? _ I can play the guitar.,2,3,1,4,A: Can you play the guitar? B: Yes, I can. A: Can you play it well ? B: No, I cant.,Ask your partner what he/she can do. Then make a list and tell your class.,3b,4 GROUPWORK,小组活动,Help wanted Are you good with kids? We need help for our Beidaihe School Trip. Can you help with: sports music computers Come and join us!,Job Interview,Now interview your classmates for the job.,I can sing.(改为否定句) _ _ sing. 2. Bob can dance.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Bob _ ? 3. friend, not, basketball, can, my, play(将所给的单词连接成结构完整的句子) _. 4.What club do you want to join?(补充句子) _ _ _ _ the chess club.,Do some exercises,I,cant,what,can,do,My friend cant play basketball,I,want,to,join,CLUB,Welcome to our clubs!,What club do you want to join?,I want to join the,(想加入),
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