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代词和名词所有格,名词的所有格,表示所有关系(.的),名词后加s,Jims bookJim的书,mens room 男厕所,如果该名词是以-s结尾,则只加,如: five minutes walk 五分钟路程 可以回答Whose提的问题,Whose isthis book?Jims,I,we,you,he,she,it,they,my book,our book,your book,her book,his book,its book,their book,mine,yours,ours,hers,his,its,theirs,一变,my-mine 二留, his,its 四加s ours,yours,hers,theirs,These are clothes. The new clothes are _.,mine,I,my,She has a football. The football is _. _ football is new.,hers,Her,she,This is _ new bike. The red bike is _.,his,his,he,It has a knife. _ knife is blue.,Its,it,(二)用适当的词填空。,1. _ (谁的)books are these? They are _.(我们的) 2. This is _ (我的)bag, not _.(你的) 3. Where are _(他们的) pants? _(他们的) are here. 4. May I borrow _ (你的)pen? Sorry, _ (我的)is broken. 5. Thats _(她的) cat. It isnt _.(他的) 6. Are those pencils _ ?(他的) Yes , they are _.(他的),Whose,ours,my,yours,their,theirs,your,mine,her,his,his,his,7. Who is _ (我们的)Chinese teacher? We dont know _ (我们的)teachers. 8. I have a dog. _(它的) name is Bobby. 9. Whose? Steves? - Yes, it is _.(他的) 10. _ (我的)pen is new , and _(你的) is old.,our,our,its,his,My,yours,11. Its a jacket, _(it) color is blue. Its not _ (Li Lei) _ (he) is over there. It is not _ (I) .It isnt _ (Maria). _ (she) is red. Then _ (who) jacket is it ? I think its _(Bill). 12. _ is a student. _ name is Peter. The book is _. (he) 13. _ are from England. Mr. Chen is _ Chinese teacher. He likes _ very much. The Chinese books are _. (our),its,Li Leis,his,mine,Marias,Hers,whose,Bills,He,His,his,We,our,us,ours,14. _ are Chinese. These are not _ coats. _ are over there.(they) 15. Are these _(they) clothes? No, _ (they) arent. Theyre _ (we). 16. Are those shoes _(you)? No, I think theyre _(she). 17. These boxes are _(he). Those are _(you). _(I) boxes are over there. 18. The dog doesnt eat _(it) food.,They,their,Theirs,their,they,ours,yours,hers,his,yours,My,its,选择题,1 coat is this? Its his. A. Which B. Whos C. Whose D. What,2. _ favorite color is red. A. She B: Hers C. Her D. Shes,3. Is this your eraser, Kangkang? No, it isnt . Its . A. my; your B. mine: her C. mine; his,4.-Is that coat _.? Yes, its _ coat. A. his, hes B. yours, your C her, hers D. mine, your,5.They _friends. _names are Tom and Jim. A. are, Theirs B. are, Their C. is, They D. are, They,6.The bedroom is _ . A. of Lucy and Lily B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lilys,人称代词,me,us,you,him,her,it,them,1.Do speak Chinese? A little.So we often help (their) 2.Let (my) have a look. (my) can help (your) 3.Is Mr Li your teacher?Yes, is. (our)like very much.(his) 4.A: want to give this letter to Miss lin,but we don,t know .Could you help ? No problem. is the teacher in red. (we,us,she ,her),they,them,me,I,you,he,We,him,We,her,us,She,用所给词的适当形式填空,用所给词的适当形式填空,1. Let _(we) help each other. 2. I cant find _ (I) cat. Can you help _ (I) find it? 3. Is this _(he) bike? -Yes, _ (it) is. _ (it) color is green. 4. Is this _ (she) kite? No, _ (she) is at home. 5. _ all come from Cuba. All of _ want to visit China. These are _ names. (they),us,my,me,his,it,Its,her,hers,They,them,their,
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