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请根据下面的提示,以“南极洲Antarctica”为题写一篇短文(词数:100词左右)。1. 南极洲在地球的最南端(extreme south);2. 它的面积大约14万平方公里;3. 它是世界上最寒冷的地方,常年有冰雪覆盖;4. 它的自然资源有企鹅 (penguin)、鲸(whale)、铁、煤等;5. 目前还只有一些科学工作者在那里。范文背诵Antarctica Antarctica, which is the coldest continent in the world, lies in the extreme south of the earth. It has an area of about 140,000 square kilometers. It is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all year longBut it is a very rich continent It has many well-known animals such as penguins, whales and it is also rich in mineral resources including iron, coal and so onUp to now only some visiting scientists live thereMaybe one day lots of households will live there.句型背诵 Antarctica, which is the coldest continent in the world, lies in the extreme south of the earth.It is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all year long.Up to now only some visiting scientists live there1. _ adj. 每年的;按年度计算的;n. 年刊;年鉴 _ adv.年度地;每年地2. _ n.住所;住宿 _ v.能容纳;能供留宿3. _ prep.在对面;adj.相对的;相反的 _ n. 反对,敌对;抵抗 _ adv.相反地4. _ n.深(度);深处 _ adj. 深的;深刻的 _ adv.深深地;强烈地;非常地5. _ vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策 _ n. 紧急;迫切 _ adj.急迫的,迫切的,紧急的6. _ vt. 放弃;抛弃;遗弃 _ adj. 放纵的;堕落的 _ n.放弃7. _ n. 关系;血缘关系;交往 _ n. 关系;关联 _ adj. 比较上的;相对的8. _ n.保护;保存 _ v.保存;保护 _ adj.保守的;保守主义的句型背诵It is said that slightly more than 50%9. _ vt. 思考;映射;反射;vi.思考 _ n. 反射;回响 _ adj.反射的;反省的10. _ adj. 意识到的;知道的 _ n. 觉察;自觉,觉悟11. _ adj.好的;整齐的;匀称的 _ adv. 整洁地;干净地12. _ adj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的 _ adv. 仅仅;勉强地答案:1. annual; annually2. accommodation; accommodate3. opposite; opposition; oppositely4. depth; deep; deeply5. urge; urgency; urgent6. abandon; abandoned; abandonment7. relationship; relation; relative8. conservation; conserve; conservative9. reflect; reflection; reflective10. aware; awareness11. neat; neatly12. narrow; narrowly1. _ the sea 海底世界2. _ the internet 在网上3. sort _ 分类4. yell _ 大声喊出5. ahead _ 在前面6. have . _ 穿衣服7. lead sb. _ 引领某人到8. draw _ 靠近9. a pack _ 一包10. _ that moment 正在那时11. aim _ 瞄准12. let . _ 让离开13. bring _ 收回; 引进14. take _ 继承;接管;占据15. help(.) _ 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难16. upside_ 上下翻转答案:1. under 2. on 3. out 4. out 5. of 6. on 7. to8. closer 9. of 10. at 11. at 12. go 13. in 14. over15. out16. down1. I _ _ heard that George didnt like being kept waiting, _ _ _ I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him. 我以前就听说过,乔治不喜欢等人,所以尽管我还没有穿上合适的衣服,就跟在他后面跑起来。2._ Jamess_ , I_ _ he was terrified of being abandoned by us.从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。答案:1. had already; so even though2. From; face; could see1. witness vt.当场见到;目击n.目击者;证人;证据I witnessed an accident on my way home yesterday.昨天我在回家的路上目击到一场事故。He witnessed to having seen the man enter the room.他作证说他看到那个人进入房间。The police found the witness to the murder case.警察找到了这件谋杀案的证据。The old man witnessed for(=gave witness to) an accused person.那位老人为被告作证。用法点拨:witness作名词时当表示“某人某事的证据或证人”时,该所属关系用介词to,不用of 。类似于the key to question,即:a witness to sb./sth.当表示“为作证;证明”时,用bear/give witness to.上述to均为介词。witness作动词时表示“为作证”时,用witness for.表示“作证证明发生了”时,用witness to sth./doing sth.【速记名片】一石四鸟之句The witness(目击者) who witnessed(目击) the accident bore witness(作证) to the police and promised to be a witness(证人) to the accident.目击了这场事故的目击者向警察提供证据并答应做证人。【即学即练】 完成句子我们聚集在一起见证历史,观看教师克里斯塔麦考利夫历史性的飞行。 We all came _ _ history and watch the historic flight of teacher Christa McAuliffe.他作证证明看到那个男人进入这个建筑物。He_ _ having seen the man enter the building.在世无朋友,死后无证人。Life without a friend is death_ _ _ .答案:to witnesswitnessed towithout a witness2. urge vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策【联想拓展】urgency n.紧急;迫切;急迫 urgent adj.紧急的;急迫的;执拗的We Chinese people have persistently urged the equality of nations big or small.我们中国人民一贯坚决主张国无大小应一律平等。Mother urged me not to tell you anything about it妈妈要求我什么也不要对你说。常用结构:urge sb. on sth.=urge on sb. sth. 力劝/催促某人做某事urge sb. to do sth. =urge sb. into doing sth.激励/怂恿某人做某事have an urge to do sth.迫切要求做某事urge that.=It is urged that.极力主张(用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形)【即学即练】 完成句子他们怂恿我吃那种奇怪的食物。They_ me _ eat the strange food.他挥挥手似乎在鼓励我们前进。He waved his hand as if_ us on.她主张我应该向他道歉。She_ _ I (should) apologize to him.他们坚持他们所提出的要求。They in their demands.答案:urged;tourgeurged thatwere urgent3. abandon vt. 遗弃;抛弃;放弃【联想拓展】abandoned adj. 放荡的,放纵的,无拘束的Im sorry I abandoned you like that.很抱歉我那样突然抛下你走了。We will never abandon our principles.我们应该坚持原则。People were shouting and cheering with abandon.人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼。常用结构:abandon oneself to沉湎于;纵情于abandon doing sth.放弃做某事with abandon放纵地【即学即练】 完成句子他们沉湎于饮酒。They _ _ _ _ .不要悲观失望。Dont _ _ _ _ .答案:abandon themselves to drinkingabandon yourself to despair 【速记名片】一石三鸟之句The boy was abandoned by his mother. Eventually the abandoned boy was found wandering in the street, abandoning himself to despair.那个男孩被他的妈妈抛弃了。后来有人发现这个被抛弃的孩子在大街上流浪,他已陷入了绝境。【易混辨析】abandon/desert/forsakeabandon 强调永远或完全放弃人或事物等;可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。desert 着重指违背法律责任和义务或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味。forsake 通常表示与某人或某物脱离关系或戒掉坏习惯。【即学即练】用abandon, desert, forsake的适当形式填空Jackson has_ his old car.The police are looking for a woman who _ her children. She has_ her boyfriend.答案:abandoneddesertedforsaken4. aware adj. 意识到的;知道的He was not aware of his failure.他没意识到自己的失败。I am too sleepy to be aware how cold it is. 我太困了,以
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