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选 修 6,Unit 16Stories,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.abandon vt.放弃,遗弃 2.victim n.受害者 3.preserve vt.保护,保存 preservation n.保存,保留 4.witness vt.目击 n.目击者,见证人 5.occur vi.发生 occurrence n.发生,出现;事件 6.tremble vi.颤抖,发抖 trembling adj.发抖的;战栗的 7.particularly adv.特别地,特定地 particular adj.特别的;挑剔的 8.awesome adj.令人敬畏的 9.rewind vt.阻碍 encourage (反义词)vt.鼓励;支持 discouragement n.挫折;沮丧 19.admirable adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的 admire vt.钦佩;赞美 admiration n.钦佩;赞赏 20.tease vt.嘲笑,取笑 21.severe adj.严重的;严厉的 22.restriction n.限制,约束 restrict vt.限制;约束;限定 23.unbearable adj.不能忍受的 bearable(反义词)adj.能够忍受的 bear vt.忍受;承担 vi.生(孩子),结(果实),重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,24.stubborn adj.倔强的,固执的 25.precise adj.准确的,精确的 26.eager adj.渴望的,热衷的 27.expand vt.扩大,扩充 28.apparent adj.明显的,显而易见的 29.breakthrough n.突破,重大发现 30.uncertain adj.不确定的 certain (反义词)adj.确定的 31.remind vt.使想起,使记起;提醒 32.awkward adj.笨拙的;令人不舒服的 33.tense adj.紧张的 tension n.紧张;拉力,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,34.applaud vt.不得体的,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,e into view出现 2.knock sb.over撞倒某人 3.block out堵住 4.in a way从某种程度上说 5.on ones side侧身 6.split up断绝关系,分成小部分 7.on the way to.在去的路上 8.name.after.以命名 e across偶然遇见 10.hold up支撑起 11.count on依靠 12.figure out理解 13.end up 以结束,以告终,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,14.put up with容忍,忍受 15.in particular 特别,尤其 16.now that既然,由于 17.be eager to渴望,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.到1748年,他们已经发现了一处令人敬畏的历史遗址。 By 1748,they had found an awesome historical site. 2.学生们正要离开教室,就在这时老师进来了。 The students were leaving the class when the teacher came in. 3.由于明白了语言要点,海伦很渴望学到更多,并且尽可能多地使用语言。 Now that Helen understood the key to language,she was very eager to learn more and use it as much as she could. 4.于是那天就这样继续下去,直到最后我又累又困地爬上床。 And so the day went on,until finally I climbed,tired and ashamed,into bed.,Helen Keller was a blind and deaf girl who needed a superb teacher.1.By the age of 7,she could neither speak nor write and was often found stubborn and angry with some 2.unbearable(bear) behaviors.So Anne Sullivan was brought in to help Helen.At their first sight,Anne gave Helen a big hug for love to help Helen make 3.preparations(prepare) for language learning. Helens learning started from simple words.Whenever Anne put 4.an object into one of Helens hands she would spell the word into her other hand.Finally,their effort paid off.One day Helen had a burst of understanding when water flowed over her hand,5.opening(open) her the world of words.After that,she was very eager to learn more with more and more questions.This soon led her to discover more complex words and changed her thinking processes.When she tried to learn the word “love”,6.confusedly(confuse),she found it had nothing to do with the objects that she could touch,smell and feel.The word “think” was also a difficult one for Helen.However,one day,she was making necklaces 7.when she noticed that she had made some mistakes,so she stopped to think 8.carefully(careful).,Helped by Anne,she suddenly understood the abstract word “think”.9.As a result of this,she 10.finally(final) understood the word “love” which had puzzled her long before.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,abandon vt.放弃,抛弃;中止;陷入;沉湎于(某种情感) 常见用法 1.abandon sth.for sth.放弃而从事 abandon oneself to 沉溺于,纵情于(=be addicted to) be abandoned by被抛弃 2.with/in abandon尽情地;放纵地 The bad weather forced them to abandon their plan.恶劣的天气迫使他们终止了计划。 Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.那些自暴自弃的人不会成功。 People were shouting and cheering in gay abandon.人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,拓展延伸 abandoned adj.被遗弃的;无约束的 an abandoned car 一辆废弃的汽车 词义辨析 1.abandon强调永远或完全地放弃或抛弃人或事物等,这可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。 After careful consideration, it was agreed to abandon the project.经过慎重考虑,大家同意放弃这个项目。 2.desert着重指违背法律责任和义务,或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味。 He has been deserted by most of his advisers.他的大多数顾问都弃他而去。 3.give up侧重指没有希望或因外界压力而放弃。 Coastguards had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive.海岸警卫队对两位潜水员生还已完全不抱希望。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用 用abandon及其相关短语的适当形式填空 那个孩子被他的父母遗弃了。后来有人发现那个被抛弃的孩子在大街上游荡,他已陷入了绝望。 The child was abandoned by his parents.Later on,the abandoned boy was found wandering in the street,abandoning himself to despair .,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,reserve vt.保护;保持,保存 In a way,Pompeii is like a “time capsule” preserving a frozen moment in history.从某种程度上说,庞贝古城如同一粒时间胶囊,保存了历史上一段被封存了的瞬间。(教材原句P6) 常见用法 preserve sth.保护/保存某物 preserve sb./sth.from.保护某人/物免于 preserve sth.+adj.把某物保存得 We should take measures to preserve the environment from pollution.我们应该采取措施保护环境免受污染。 The vase has been preserved intact.这个花瓶保存得完好无损。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,拓展延伸 preserved adj.保存的;腌制的 preservation n.保存;维护 词义辨析 1.preserve “保护;维持”,强调为防止破坏作用而采取措施使某物完好无损或质量不变。 The government preserves the rights of the individual person.政府保护个人的权利不受侵犯。 2.reserve“保留,储备;预定”,强调为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。 We are reserving these seats for my parents.我们把这些座位留给我的父母。 现学活用 用preserve的适当形式填空 1.At minus 130,a living cell can be preserved for a thousand years. 2.The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,witness n.目击者,见证人 vt.目击,目睹 Pliny wrote about an extremely terrible volcanic eruption that he had witnessed as a young man.普林尼描述了他青年时代目睹的一场可怕的火山喷发。(教材原句P6) 常见用法 1.witness sth.见证;目击 witness to sth./doing sth.为作证
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