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简历翻译成英文英文简历范文带翻译第一篇英文简历范文带翻译:介绍美国的英语作文 ,美国是一个联邦共和国,为首都的华盛顿特区,下面是办公室王老师整理的介绍美国的作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:介绍美国的英语作文 The United States of America, also known as the United States, the U.S., the U.S.A., and America, is a country in North America that shares land borders with Canada and Mexico, and a sea border with Russia. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, the United States is a federal republic, with its capital in Washington, D.C. The presentxday continental United States has been inhabited for at least 15,000 years by indigenous tribes.1 After European exploration and settlement in the 16th century, the English established their own coloniesand gained control of others that had been begun by other European nationsin the eastern portion of the continent in the 17th and early 18th centuries. On 4 July 1776, at war with Britain over fair governance, thirteen of these colonies declared their independence. In 1783, the war ended in British acceptance of the new nation. Since then, the country has more than quadrupled in size: it now consists of 50 states and one federal district; it also has numerous overseas territories. At over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.5 million km), the U.S. is the third or fourth largest country by total area, depending on whether the disputed areas of China are included. It is the worlds third most populous nation, with nearly 300 million people. The United States has maintained a liberal democratic political system since it adopted its Articles of Confederation on 1 March 1781 and the Constitution, the Articles replacement, on 17 September 1787. American military, economic, cultural, and political influence increased throughout the 20th century; with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War, the nation emerged as the worlds sole remaining superpower.2 Today, it plays a major role in world affairs. The earliest known use of the name America is from 1507, when a globe and a large map created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseemller in SaintxDiexdesxVosges described the combined continents of North and South America. Although the origin of the name is uncertain3, the most widely held belief is that expressed in an accompanying book, Cosmographiae Introductio, which explains it as a feminized version of the Latin name of Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci (Americus Vespucius); in Latin, the other continents names were all feminine. Vespucci theorized, correctly, that Christopher Columbus, on reaching islands in the Caribbean Sea in 1492, had come not to India but to a New World. The Americas were also known as Columbia, after Columbus, prompting the name District of Columbia for the land set aside as the U.S. capital. Columbia remained a popular name for the United States until the early 20th century, when it fell into relative disuse; but it is still used poetically and appears in various names and titles. A female personification of the country is also called Columbia; she is similar to Britannia.4567 Columbus Day, a holiday in the U.S. and other countries in the Americas commemorating Columbus October 1492 landing. The term united States of America was first used officially in the Declaration of Independence, adopted on 4 July 1776. On 15 November 1777, the Second Continental Congreadopted the Articles of Confederation, the first of which stated The Stile of this Confederacy shall be The United States of America. The adjectival and demonymic forms for the United States are American, a point of controversy among some. 美利坚合众国,也被称为美国,美国,美国美国,是一个在北美国家,陆地边界与加拿大和墨西哥,和一个与俄罗斯的海上边界。从大西洋到太平洋,美国是一个联邦共和国,为首都的华盛顿特区 当今美国大陆已经居住了至少15000年的土著部落。1在16世纪欧洲的探索和殖民之后,英国建立了自己的殖民地和控制他人所开始较之其他欧洲大陆的东部地区在17和18世纪早期。1776年7月4日,在战争与英国公平治理,十三个殖民地宣布独立。在1783年战争结束后在英国接受的新国家。自那以来,中国已超过四倍大小:现在由50个州和一个联邦地区;它还有众多的海外领土。 超过370万平方英里(370万多公里),美国是第三或第四大的国家,面积,取决于中国的争议地区。它是世界上第三人口最多的国家,有近3亿人。 美国一直保持着自由民主政治体系的文章,因为它采用了联盟1781年3月1日,宪法,文章的更换,1787年9月17日。美国的军事、经济、文化和政治影响力增加贯穿整个20世纪,随着苏联解体,冷战结束,美国成为这个世界剩下的唯一超级大国。今天2,它在世界事务中扮演着重要的角色。 最早使用的名称美国从152022开始,当一个截止阀和一个大地图创建的瓦尔德泽米勒所绘制德国地理学家马丁在SaintxDiexdesxVosges描述了北美和南美大陆。虽然名字的起源是不确定的3,最普遍的信仰是表示在一本书,Cosmographiae Introductio,这也解释了它作为一个女性化版本的拉丁名字的意大利探险家阿美利哥韦斯普奇(绒毛Vespucius);在拉丁语中,其他大陆的名字都是女性。韦斯普奇的理论正确,克里斯托弗哥伦布到达1492年在加勒比海岛屿,已经不是印度,而是一个“新的世界”。 美洲也被称为哥伦比亚,在哥伦布,促使土地的名字特区留出随着美国资本。美国哥伦比亚大学仍然是一个受欢迎的名字,直到20世纪初,当它落入相对废弃;但它仍然是用诗意和出现在不同的名字和头衔。国家也被称为哥伦比亚的女性化身,她是类似于不列颠。哥伦布日,假期在美国和其他国家在美洲纪念哥伦布1492年10月着陆。 “美利坚合众国”这个词第一次被使用在独立宣言正式通过1776年7月4日。1777年11月15日,第二届大陆Congreadopted联盟的文章,第一个表示“本联盟的阶梯美利坚合众国。” 形容词的和demonymic形式对美国是美国人,在一些争议。 第二篇:介绍美国的英语作文 Based on historical documents, modern survey and statistics, as well as the result of predecessor studies, the trend and main process of forest dynamics are recognized. The forest area and forest coverage rates for each province of China from
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