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VOCABULARY LIST(FOR Primary English Test)Abe able toabout (prep) fobaut What about a cold drink? I have about 3. a book about animals above (prep) ob v accident (n) f2eksidont across (prep) okr s The banks across the road. He walked across the bridge, activity (n) aektiviti actor (n) f2ekto actually (adv) faekt uoli add(V) sed address (n) o!dres adult (adj & n) sd It, *aed It adventure (n) Mvent o advertisement (n) edvoftaizmsnt aeroplane (n) f oroplein afraid (adj) ofreid after (prep) erfto afternoon (n) afterwards (adv) fa:ftow9dz again (adv) ogein against (prep) ogenst, o!geinst We watched England play against France trains age (n) eid I dont know his age. ago (adv) ogou agree (v) ogri: Yes, I agree with you. Dont you agree, Sam?air (n) o to travel by air airport (n) eop :t all (det & pron) :l all right/alright (adv) almost (adv) 1 :lmoust alone (adj & adv) hun already (adv) :Tredi also (adv) * :lsou always (adv) 1 :lweiz am (adv) .ei em (ante meridiem 的缩写)ambulance (n) Embjulons among (prep) om ij and (conj) and, &nd angry (adj) rjgri animal (n) senimsl another (det & pron) on answer (n & v) agso any (det and pron) ,eni anybody (pron) eni.b di/enibodi anyone (pron) feniw n anything (pron) feni.9ir) anyway (adv) fcniwci anywhere (adv) niwei apartment (n) ogtmont apple (n) appointment (n)卉 intmont an appointment with the doctor arm (n) a:m (a)round (adv & prep) sYaund to travel around (adv) to sit around the table (prep) arrive (v) draiv art (n) a:t artist (n) !a:tist as (prep) ses as good as as soon as possible the same as ask(V) a:sk assistant (n) a fsistcnt as well (adv)as well as (prep) at (prep) set at all (adv) It doesnt matter at all. aunt (n) a:nt autumn (n) 1 :tom away (adv) owei Hes gone away. Its two miles away.Bbaby (n) beibi back (n, adv & adj) b&k bad (adj) bsed bag (n) b&g bookshop (n) fbuk p boot (n) bu:t football boots boring (adj) *b :rirj born (adj) b :n I was born in Manchester, boss (n) b s both (pron & det) bou0 bottle (n) *b tl bottom (n) b tom at the bottom of the stairs bowl (n) boul box (n) b ks boy (n) b i brake (n & v) breik bread (n) bred break (n & v) breik a break for lunch (n) Someones broken the window.(v) breakfast (n) fbrckfost bridge (n) brid bring (v) brig brother(n) br do brown (adj) braun build (v) bild building (n) fbildir) burger (n)七o:go burn (v) bo:n He has burnt his hand, bus (n) b s business (n) fbiznis businessman (n) fbizinismon businesswoman (n) biznis.wumon bus station (n) b stei on bus stop (n) fb st p busy (adj) *bizi but (conj) b t butter (n) b to buy (v) bai by (prep) bai Ccafe/cafe (n) k&fei; (US) ksefbi cake (n) keik call (v) k :1 ril call (phone) again later this afternoon. Hes called John.camera (n) ksemoro camp (n & v) kemp campsite (n) kgempsait can (n & v) ksen, kon ball (n) b :1 banana (n) bonQmo band (n) bsend bank (n) bseijk I changed my money in the bank, barbecue (n) fba:bikju: baseball (n) bcisb :l basketball (n) *ba:skitb :1 bath (n) ba:0 bathroom (n) fba:0rum, -ru:m be (v) bi: am is are was were beach (n) bi:t bear (n) beo(r) beautiful (adj) *bju:tofbl because (conj) bik z become (v) bik m bed (n) bed bedroom (n) bedrum, -ru:m before (adv & prep) bif : begin (v) bigin beginner (n) bigino behind (adv & prep) bihaind believe (v) bili:v belong (v) bil g below (prep) bilou belt (n) belt between (prep) bitwim bicycle (n) baisik(o)l big (adj) big bike (n) baik bill (n) bil Can I have my bill, please? bird (n) bo:d birthday (n) bo:0dei biscuit (n) biskit bit (n) bit Just a small bit of cake, please, black (adj) black blanket (n) bliikit blond(c) (adj) bl nd blouse (n) blauz blue (adj) blu: board (n) b :d The teachers writing on the (black/whitc)board.boat (n) bout body (n) b di boil(V) b il book (n & v) buk bookshelf (n) buk cif canal (n) konsel car (n) ka: card (n) ka:d birthday card credit cardcareful (adj) *k oful Be careful! carrot (n) k&rot carry (v)k&ri cash (n & v) k& Id like to cash this cheque, cassette (n) ka/set cassette player (n) cassette recorder (n) castle (n) !ka:sl cat (n) kaet catch (v) kset cathedral (n) kS0i:drol CD (n).si:di: cent (n) sent centre (n) sent。 centimetre (n) scnti.mi:t9(r
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