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比尔盖茨清华大学演讲:未来之路:在中国共同创新由博雅源收集整理尊敬的顾校长,清华大学的老师、同学们:获得清华大学这所世界一流大学的名誉博士学位,让我感到非常荣幸。清华是一所有着百年历史的名校,这里诞生了很多杰出的科学家、商业和政治领袖。我上一次访问清华是在1997年。当时,中国学生的才华、热情和创造性给我留下了很深的印象。之后,我决定在中国设立微软亚洲研究院。在沈向洋博士的领导下, 在清华等大学优秀毕业生的协助下,微软亚洲研究院取得了成功,为微软公司作出了巨大贡献。在各种国际会议上都可以见到他们的身影。他们也为微软的新产品如Windows Vista的诞生,付出了辛勤的努力。在计算机科学迅速发展的今天,身为清华的学生是件激动人心的事。我们才刚刚开始接触到软件魔法带来的奇妙体验。全世界有十亿计算机用户,他们才刚刚开始分享信息。随着半导体、光纤技术的发展,软件可以做更多的事情:今天的电视还是被动的,在未来,你可以从因特网下载节目,电视将能和人交流、互动;昨天我参观了中国农科院稻米研究所,看到那里的技术人员开始用软件来区分不同的稻米,为其排序,以后还可以通过软件的分析计算,用较少的农药培育出高产量的优良品种;医学界已经开始用软件来管理数据库;今天的手机已经成为我们的“数字钱包”,可以显示地图,上网查找信息,未来它还将可以和人交流;平板电脑的出现,使得在教室可以无线上网,用电脑录音、识别手写的文字。这样,学生无需课本就能实现更有效的学习,老师也可以看到世界各地的优秀教案。当然,软件的未来还面临很多挑战, 比如:如何使得用户更容易掌握?如何实现人工智能?但不管怎样,就计算机科学而言,我们所处的都是最激动人心的时代。中国正在快速发展,对世界经济、科技创新正在做出越来越大的贡献。微软公司愿意帮助中国公司的成长,帮助所有的中国公民享受到计算机科学进步所带来的成果:微软已经开展项目,帮助中国的进城务工人员、残疾人尤其是盲人享受科技成果;微软已经捐资设立了五所希望小学和五所网上希望小学;微软也同中国政府及大学合作,设立了很多学术交流项目,鼓励优秀外国专家来华讲学;有来自39所亚太地区大学的超过2000名学生曾在微软亚洲研究院实习,并有120人获得了研究资助,其中清华所占学生人数最多;本学年,微软亚洲研究院的研究人员将在清华开设一门课程:“计算机研究的热门领域”。我还想借此机会宣布,微软公司将在清华设立“杰出访问学者”项目。在该项目下,微软亚洲研究院每年将邀请一位世界知名的计算机专家到姚期智教授领导的理论计算机科学研究所讲学。第一位获邀来访的是美国麻省理工大学的弗朗斯凯斯霍德教授。总之,我今天非常高兴来到贵校,并在接受我的母校哈佛大学颁给我名誉博士学位之前就成为清华的名誉博士。刚才,我和大家分享了软件领域在未来可能出现的一些突破,以及它们会给企业带来的机会、为残疾人和学生提供的帮助。我希望大家都能像我一样乐观:只要可以上网,就能获得平等的受教育机会。微软公司对于中国市场的专注是长期的。我们对于以学术严谨闻名的清华大学有着很高的期望。让我们携手努力,共创信息技术未来的辉煌!谢谢大家。 Dear顾校长, Tsinghua University teachers, students: Tsinghua University, which received world-class universities of the honorary doctorate, so I am very honored. Tsinghua University is a history of all of the schools, where the birth of a number of prominent scientists, business and political leaders. My last visit to Tsinghua University in 1997. At that time, the Chinese students of talent, enthusiasm and creativity I was very impressed. , I decided to set up Microsoft Research Asia. Dr. Shen Xiangyang in under the leadership of outstanding graduates from Tsinghua University with the help of Microsoft Research Asia has been successful for Microsoft to make a great contribution. At various international conferences can see their shadow. They are also new products for the Microsoft Windows Vista, such as the birth of the efforts of hard. The rapid development in computer science today, as a Tsinghua University student is an exciting thing. We are just beginning to come into contact with amazing software experience brought about by magic. There are billions of computer users around the world, they only just begun to share information. With the semiconductor, fiber optic technology, the software can do more things: Todays television is passive, in the future, you can download programs from the Internet, television and people will be able to exchange interaction; Yesterday, I visited the Rice Research Institute of China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the technical staff to see where they began to use the software to make distinctions between different rice, sort of its future can be calculated through the analysis of software, with fewer pesticides to produce high - production of superior varieties; The medical profession has begun to use software to manage the database; Todays mobile phone has become the digital wallet, you can show the map of the Internet to find information, the next it will be able to communicate; The emergence of flat-panel computer, making wireless Internet access in the classroom, computer recording, recognition of handwritten text. In this way, students will be able to realize the need of textbooks more effective learning, teachers can also see the excellent lesson plans around the world. Of course, the future of software is also faced with many challenges, such as: how to make it easier for customers to master? How to achieve artificial intelligence? Nevertheless, on the computer science is concerned, we live in are the most exciting era. China is the rapid development of the world economy, technological innovation is making an increasing contribution. Microsoft is ready to help the growth of Chinese companies to help Chinese citizens enjoy all the progress of computer science that has made it possible: Microsoft has already started projects to help Chinas migrant workers, the disabled, especially blind people to enjoy science and technology achievements; Microsoft has set up five donors want to online primary and hope that five primary schools; Microsoft also with the Chinese government and universities, the establishment of a number of academic exchange programs to encourage outstanding foreign experts to give lectures in China; 39 from the University of the Asia-Pacific region more than 2000 students had internships in Microsoft Research Asia, and 120 have received a research grant, of which the largest number of students of Tsinghua share; The current school year, Microsoft Research Asia researchers at Tsinghua University set up in a curriculum: a
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