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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?第三、四课时当堂训练一.单选。1. My house is _ the garden. A.cross in B.across from C.cross from D.across at2Look! There is a blackboard_our class.A.in the front of B.in front of C.on front of D.on the front of3.Go along this street,then turn right and the pay phone is on your left.4Just go straight and turn _.The hotel is _.Aright;right Bright;on the right Con the right;right Dright;to the right5_.How can I get to the bank? Just go straight and you can find it.ASorry BYes CExcuse me DPardon me 6Paul,is there a post office near our school? _.Its just next to the supermarket.A.Yes,there is B.Yes,it is C.No,there isnt D.No,it isnt 7Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood? Yes,its_Center Street_the right.A.in;down;on B.on;on;is C.in;on;is D.on;down;on二. 完形填空。New Year is coming. Ill have a big 31 in my house. Its on Saturday afternoon. I really 32 you can come, but Im sorry I cant go to 33 you. Here is a 34 and it can help you 35 my house.Look at the map. 36 you go out of the Train Station, 37 down Sun Street for about 5 minutes. You can see Hilton Hotel. The No.11 38 station is in front of it. Take the bus and get off at the third stop. Then youre on Bright Street. Go 39 the street and youll see a supermarket on your left. My 40 is behind it. I hope everything goes on well. 31. A. examB. partyC. apple D. cake 32. A. hopeB. need C. likeD. know 33. A. seeB. hearC. tell D. meet 34. A. mapB. book C. TV showD. car 35. A. lookB. find C. learnD. clean 36. A. In front ofB. Behind C.After D. Before 37. A. putB. take C. sit D. walk 38. A. streetB. busC. TV D. police 39. A. withB. on C. alongD. to 40. A. motherB. photoC. bike D. house 三阅读理解。Miss White is in Beijing on vacation. Here is her hotel card. Have a look at it and answer the questions. Buses toThe hotel: Bus No.103, Bus No. 5, Bus No.39ParkBankPhoneNumber:83645792Garden HotelWelcome to Garden HotelSunny Street1. Where is Miss White? A.In DalianB.In Beijing. C.In Shenzhen. D.In Shanghai.2. Why does she go there?A. For fun. B. To learn English. C. To visit her friends. D. To work. 3. Where is the hotel? A. Near the bank. B. On Happy Street. C. Across from the park. D. Behind the bank. 4. Miss White can take _ to the hotel. Bus No.3 Bus No.5 Bus No.39 Bus No.103 A. B. C. D. 5.What can we NOT know about the hotel from the card? A. The address of the hotel. B. The telephone number of the hotel. C. The web address of the hotel.D. The cost (费用) of living in the hotel.nit8第四课时当堂训练.根据汉语提示,完成句子.1. (打搅了,请问).Is there a pay phone near here?2.Please tell me (去.的路)your house.3. (沿.走下去)Center Street and the post office is on the right.4.You can (打的)and (穿过)Six Avenue.5.I hope you (旅途愉快).II单选1.Is there a supermarket near here?-_ A Yes, theres B No,there isnt C Yes,there isnt D Yes,there are2.There _ a supermarket and two banks on the street. A is B are C have D has3.You can _ 200yuan for the coat A pay B take C spend D cost4.I watch some boys _ on the playground now. A play B playing C to play D play to 5 All _ lead to Rome(罗马)。Astreet B road C roads D streets6 My father _ one hundred thousand yuan on his new car. A spent B lost C paid7.Join likes playing soccer very much and he _ about one hour playing it every day.A spend B lost C take D pay8.The T-shirt looks nice on you!How much does it _?I just _ ten dollars for it.A take afforded B cost paid C cost spent9.He has few books in his bookcase,_?A hasnt he B isnt he C doesnt he D does he10.The girl enjoys _ photos .A takes B taking C to take D takeing11. We must listen _ the teacher carefully in class. A. atB. inC. on D. to12. Whats the difference _ British English _ American English?A. between; andB. between; orC. among; andD. among; orI.阅读短文,选择正确答案。AWhat do you usually do after school? Do you do your homework,watch TV,play computer games or do other things? Do you know what students in America do after school? Lets have a look together.The students in America have an exciting free time after school. Because school finishes at about 300
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