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山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学七年级英语下册 Unit7诊断补偿试题 人教新目标版Name_ Class_ Grade_一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )1. It is _ today. A.cloud B. clouds C. cloudy D.cloudly( )2. -_ is the weather _ Beijing? -Its windy.A.How; in B.How; about C.What;in D.What;about( )3. My life is _ good in the US. A. very much B. much C. pretty D. more( )4. Im _ the music. A.listening B. listen C. listen to D.listening to( )5. When it rains, she _ a bus to work.A.take B.taking C. takes D.to take( )6. She is in Canada _ summer vacation now.A. in B. on C.at D. to ( )7. How many _ do you want? A.meat B. bananas C. milk D. apple ( )8. _ people are talking about the movie star. A.Lot of B. A lot C.A lot of D.Much ( )9.-Hi. Hows it going? -_ . A. I dont like it B. I will go to school C. Not bad D. No( )10.Its_today. I think its going to . A. cloud; rain B. cloudy; raining C. cloudy; rain D. cloudy; rainy( )11.Its_in spring and its_in summer. A. warm, cool B. hot, cold C. warm, hot D.cool, cold( )12. I like the weather there. Its always_. A. sunny B. snow C. funny D.rain( )13.Thank you for_ us. A. helping B. to help C. help D.helps( )14.Its hot in your country now,_? A. is it B. isnt it C. do you D.dont you( )15.Jim is sitting _ the pool, and his sister is skating _ a river. A. in, by B. by,on C. on, on D.by, in 二. 词汇。(每小题1分,共15分)1. Hows the w_ in Beijing? Its raining.(首字母提示)2. Hows it going? Its t _!I cant pass the driving exam.(首字母提示)3. Itll be_in Harbin tomorrow. (sun 词形转换)4. Look! people are_TV at home. (watch 词形转换)5. Listen! They_songs.(唱,中文提示)6. I dont like_, its too cold. (冬天,中文提示)7. My uncle likes climbing _very much. He thinks its good for health.(高山,中文提示)8. _ you and your brother _ computer games now? (play 词形转换)9. Yesterday I had a good time _ my parents.(visit 词形转换)10. In Harbin, its _ in December.(snow 词形转换)11._ has an English book in our class.(每个人,中文提示) 12.Look! Many boys are t_ photos in the park.(首字母提示)13.Its very h_ today. Please open the door.(首字母提示)14.I like s_, because I can swim in the river.(首字母提示)三. 句型转换。(共10分)1. The twins are eating some strawberries. (改为一般疑问句)_the twins eating_strawberries?2. The students are playing computer games now. (对划线部分提问)_are the students_now?3. It is snowy today.(对划线部分提问)_?4. She often plays tennis after school.(用now改写句子)She _ _ tennis now.5. Hows the weather in Beijing?(同义句)_?4. 完成句子。(共10分)A: Hi, Jill. _ it going?B: Not _, thanks.A: Hows the _?B: Its windy and cloudy. What are you _?A: Im playing soccer _ my friends in the park.B: Sounds _ youre having a _ time.A: Yeah. Is your brother at home?B: No, hes not here. Can I take a _ for him?A: Yes. Could you tell him to call me _?B: Sure, no _. 七、补全对话:根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(本部分共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)A: Hello! This is Kate.B: Hi, Kate! _36_. Where are you now?A: _37_.B: Really? Hows it going?A: _38_. People in Shanghai are friendly.B: Hows the weather in Shanghai? Is it cold?A: No, it isnt. _39_. I like the weather in China.B: Thats good. _40_. The weather is a little cold.A. This is Tim.B. Pretty good.C. Terrible.D. Its raining in Toronto today.E. Im in in Shanghai, China.F. Its very cold here.G. Its sunny and warm these days.
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