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Units 4-5一 选择题(1*20)1. _ turn on (打开)the TV. Your brother is doing his homework. A. No B. NotC. DontD. Doesnt2. Our teacher often tells us _ eat in the classroom. A. not B. dontC. neverD. not to3. Tom plays _ piano well and I play _ football well .A. the; aB. a; theC. the; /D. /; the4. Its raining. So we _ stay at home. A. canB. have toC. has toD. are5. _ the tape carefully. A. ListenB. Listening toC. Listen toD. Listening6. Dont arrive _ school. A. lateB. late forC. later forD. late to7. There is _ water in the lake. A. too many B. many tooC. too muchD. much too8.Can you speak English? _. Its easy.A. Yes, I canB. No, I cantC. Yes, I cantD. No, I can9. Can you _ some salad _ here? A. bring, /B. take; toC. bring; toD. take; /10. Dont be _, please. The baby is sleeping. A. noise B. quietC. noisyD. dirty11. Please _ late for the meeting. A. isnt B. arent C. dont be D. not be12. Tim cant watch TV _ school nights. A. on B. at C. for D. in13.I would like some bread and a cup of coffee. _ do you want?A. What otherB. What others C. What else D. What the other14. Dont forget_ me this evening. A. to call B. call C. calls D. calling15. _ your friend like? Hes smart and a little shy.A. What does B. What is C. What are D. How does16. Students have to wear _ on school days.A. glasses B. school uniforms C. watches D. earrings17. I like this storybook because its very _.A. cute B. interestingC. smart D. friendly18. She is very _to me . We are _. A. friend; friendB. friendly; friend C. friend; friendly D. friendly; friends19. Where is he _? Australia A. for B. fromC. like D. to20. Mr. Li is kind _ us. But sometimes he is kind _ serious(严肃).A. to; of B. with; to C. of; to D. of; of21. There are _ sixty students in the hallways, so its very noisy. A. over B. with C. from D. for22. The new bike is nice. I like it _.A. a lot ofB. a lotC. lots ofD. very23. This Sunday, Lily and Lucy are at home _. A. all day B. a dayC. every dayD. some day24. Bob is too fat because he is _ to do sports.A. friendlyB. cuteC. smallD. lazy25. People _ elephants _ their ivory. A. save; toB. save; with C. kill; forD. kill; at二.完形填空:每题1分,共10分)Do you want to see animals? Well, the New Star Zoo is really a good 1 for you. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. Lets see koalas 2 . The koalas come from Australia. They are very quiet and smart. People 3 them very much. The pandas from China are cute. Many people like these 4 and white animals. Theyre shy. So 5 be noisy when you see them. Theres a tiger 6 her two sons in the zoo. They are from the USA. Theyre quiet and interesting, 7 they are not friendly. The giraffes come from Africa. Theyre beautiful. The lions are 8 from Africa. They are really scary. Many people dont like 9 . They always sleep in the day. They are very lazy. You can also 10 many other (其他的) kinds of animals in the zoo. Have a good time there.1. A. rule B. symbol C. place D. station 2. A. reallyB. last C. late D. first3. A. want B. like C. help D. remember 4. A. yellow B. blue C. black D. green5. A. never B. always C. usually D. then 6. A. for B. with C. like D. of 7. A. and B. so C. but D. because 8. A. always B. too C. also D. either 9. A. it B. him C. them D. us 10. A. buyB. keep C. saveD. see三.阅读理解:(每题2分,共40分)Dear Dave,Im not happy. There are too many rules in my house. It isnt fair. I have to get up at five oclock every morning. I cant arrive late for school. I have to be there at eight oclock. I have to come back home after school because I have to do my homework. In the evening I cant watch TV because I have to help my mother make dinner and wash the dishes. I have to go to bed before ten oclock. On weekends, I have to stay at home on Saturday morning. I have to clean my room and wash my clothes by eleven oclock. On Saturday afternoon, I have to go to the childrens palace to learn the piano. Do you have lots of rules? Are they fair? Your friend, Alice1. Who is the letter from?A. Dave. B. Alice. C. Daves mother. D. Alices mother.2. What time does Alice have to get up? A. Five oclock. B. Eight oclock. C. Ten oclock. D. Eleven oclock.3. What does Alice have to do on Saturday morning? A. Wash the dishes. B. Watch TV. C. Wash her clothes. D. Learn the piano.4. Why does she go to the childrens palace? A. To meet
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