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河南省新乡市第四中学七年级英语下册Unit 5 Amazing things单元综合测试题(无答案) 牛津版一、根据括号中所给汉语写出单词,使句子完整。1. Im _(喜欢) of watching the basketball matches. 2. He is crazy about football. He practises _(踢) it even when it rains.3. What _(发生) to you last night? 4. Houston lost the game _(昨天). 5. The Chinese are a _(勤勉的) and brave people. 6. We now know that the first dinosaurs _(出现) about 230 million years ago. 7. I dont know what he said, _(然而,但是), I will ask him. 8. The police _(搜查) the town and found the missing boy. 9. The young man _(决定) to play basketball in NBA. 10. Sixty people died _(在期间) the heavy snow at the beginning of 2008.11. Do you know the _(重量)of the pig? Its about 200 jin. 12. The world is full of _(惊人的)things. 13. We all Know there is no plant life _(没有)lightning. 14. The students in Class One _ (输了)their football match. They were very unhappy. 15. They listened carefully and heard the _(奇怪的)sound in their room last night. 16. Tom is _(着迷的)about football. He plays football even when it rains. 17. This kind of food is _(有毒的). You cant eat it. 18. Traffic accidents _(杀死)many people every year. We must be careful when we are driving. 19. Hong Kong has changed a lot after she _(回到)to our mainland. 20.The baby is sleeping. Please walk _(轻声地).二、根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We cant live _( with ) food or water. 2. Its cold outside, you should keep the door _(close).3. The exam is very easy, but I dont think _( somebody ) can pass it. 4. It is _(noise) outside. Please close the door.5. We will thank the _( follow ) people for their help. 6. The umbrella behind the door is my _(sister).7. Tom _( like ) playing piano, dont ask him to do it. 8. He is a the famous _( science ). 9. Do you know the _( weigh ) of the elephant? 10. Please be careful, these snakes are _.(poison)三、词组翻译 1. 眼睛睁着闭着睡_ 2. 使你的眼睛睁着_ 3. 用脚尖走路_ 4. 与此同时_ 5. 像往常一样_ 6. 不寻常的东西_ 7. 害怕_ 8. 自言自语_ 9. 把某物给某人看_ 10. 照料某人_ 11. 不再_ 12. 玩得开心_ 13. 听起来像_ 14. 逃跑_ 15. 对做某事痴迷_ 16. 讨厌做某事_ 17. 这么奇怪的一只鸟_ 18. 出生时_ 19 最危险的动物_ 20. 一直活到150岁_ 四. 选择题。( )1.There is a river in my hometown. It is about _ long. A. 5 hundreds kilometers B. 5 hundred kilometers C. 5 hundreds kilometer D. 5 hundred kilometer( )2. -Is this _ dictionary?-No. It isnt _. Its _.A. his, his, her B. hes, his, hers C. his, his, hers D. his, hes, hers( )3. Its very cold outside. Most of the families keep their windows _.A. open B. opened C. close D. closed( )4. In spring, you will _ the whisper of the breeze(清风),if you _ carefully. A. hear, listen B. listen, hear C. hear, listen to D. listen to, hear( )5. Jane _ Jay Chou. She buys every album(专缉) of him and goes to every concert(演唱会) by him. A. is crazy about B. likes C. dislikes D. hates ( )6._ great fun the children have playing in the park!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a( )7.The students are _ to know that elephants can walk quietly on tiptoe.A. surprising B. surprised C. frightening D. frightened ( )8. In spring, it is good for you to sleep _ your windows open. A. for B. and C. with D. but( )9. Some of the frogs has _ to kill about 2,200 people. A. poisonous enough B. enough poisonous C. enough poison D. poison enough( )10. - How do you like this DVD?- _. I enjoy it very much. A. Its like a book. B. Its not interesting at all. C. Its about animals. D. Its very funny. ( )11. It is terrible. The cat miaowed a lot at night recently. It _ a baby crying. A. sound B. sounds C. sound like D. sounds like( )12. It was _ late when we got home. The children are sleeping, so we walked into the house _. A. quiet, quitely B. quite, quitely C. quite, quietly D. quiet, quietly( )13. The machine is making so much _ . How _ it is!A. noisy, noise B. noise, noisy C. noise, noisily D. noise, noise( )14. _ you afraid of _ late f
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