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江苏省东台市唐洋中学七年级英语下册Unit1-6复习题(无答案).词汇。(15分)A) 根据汉语意思或首字母提示,完成单词,使句子完整正确。1. Tomorrow is my _(第十二) birthday.2. Can you take a _ (口信) for me?3. Today is warm and _(晴朗的). Shall we go swimming?4. There is a beautiful _(湖) in the park.5. I got a _(电话) from my sister yesterday.6. Turn right at the zebra c_.7. S_, a girl ran out of the house.8. R_ to lock the door when you leave the classroom9. When the little girl saw the big dog, she was f_.10. Dont make so much n_.B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。where, do, take a message, until, bite, be surprised to11. We _ leave _ we finished cleaning our classroom.12. Could you _ for me?13. Miss Joe _ find a car behind her when she drove home.14. His dog likes _ things.15. The city welcomes visitors from _. 单项选择。(10分)16. Look! There are many trees _ the building.A. over B. between C. in the front of D. behind17. _ milk does the little boy drink every day?A. How many B. How often C. How much D. How long18. This is Jack _. Whos _?A. talking; that B. saying; it C. speaking; that D. speaking; this19. My best friend, Sandy, came _ in the maths exam.A. two B. twice C. twelve D. fifth20. Look at _ man over there. He is _ American writer.A. the; a B. a; a C. the ; the D. the; an21. Whats wrong with your bike?It doesnt _.A. did B. goes C. walk D. work22. Mike and his mother _ going to buy some cakes. _ we buy some, too?A. will; Shall B. is; Will C. are; Shall D. will; Will23. _ this book away and _ your own here.A. Bring; take B. Carry; bring C. Take; bring D. Take; carry24. _ school is much larger than _.A. Our; your B. Our; yours C. Ours; yours D. We; you25. There are _ websites on the Internet.A. millions B. millions of C. million of D. ten millions. 汉译英。(10分)26. 我认为小白鼠不容易杀。_ _ _ it _ _ _ keep a white mouse.27. 不要再粗心了。_ _ _ any more.28. 你应该每天给金鱼换水。You should _ _ _ for the goldfish every day.29. 确保每天给它干净水喝。_ _ _ give it clean water every day.30. 我们每天都忙于工作,但每周至少锻炼两次。We _ _ _ work all day, but we exercise _ _ twice a week. 补全对话。(10分)从下面的方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A: What pet do you like best?B: _31_A: Why?B: _32_A: What do you often feed it?B: _33_A: _34_B: No, because it is afraid of dogs in the street.A: You mean you have to keep it at home?B: _35_A: Thats a good idea.A. Some carrots.B. Because it is very friendly.C. Do you often walk your rabbit?D. No. I often play with it in my garden. E. I really like rabbit. 完形填空。(20分)Last Saturday, Sara Taylor gave us a talk 36 animal tails. She said animals are 37 because they are just like us. Although (尽管)they cant talk, they can 38 their emotions (情感). She told us that animals use their tails in 39 ways and gave us some examples. Dogs wag(摇动) their tails to show they are 40 while cats never wag their 41 Horses use. their tails to keep away flies (苍蝇). The 42 interesting thing is that kangaroos often 43 on their tails. Monkeys can hold onto trees with their 44 45 amazing!36. A. in B. on C. for D. with37. A. amazing B. dangerous C. different D. beautiful38. A. say B. show C. play D. tell39. A. the same B. difficult C. more D. different40. A. hungry B. sad C. cold D. happy41. A. tails B. heads C. hands D. ears42. A. very B. most C. more D. much43. A. stand B. show C. swim D. play44. A. trees B. hands C. tails D. feet45. A. What B. What a C. How a D. HowVI. 阅读理解。(20分)AAn old man owned a very clever monkey. He was very fond of the monkey. The old man loved to Sit under the big tree in his garden and sleep in the afternoon. When birds came into the garden and made noises, the monkey chased them away. He also chased away flies which were on the mans face while he was sleeping. One hot summer afternoon, the old man was asleep in his chair. A fly came and sat on the end of his nose. The monkey was sitting beside the old man. He saw the fly and chased it away from the old mans nose. Soon the fly returned. The monkey chased it away again. After a while, the f
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