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牛津英语7B Unit4 Amazing things第3课时 Reading(2)当堂检测一、翻译下列句子,每空一词: 1.它听起来就像小鸟在歌唱。 It the singing of the birds.2.像往常一样,他们坐在那棵大树下。 they under the big tree.3.他确信声音来自灌木丛。 He was the came from the .4.当他喵喵叫的时候,发出的声音就像低语声。 When it , it a like a .5.“我会照料好我自己的”她自言自语。 “I can of myself ”, she to .6.这天晚些时候,他们把这只小猫送到了动物中心。 that day , they the little cat to the . 7.他们转过身去,却没能看到什么异常的东西。They , but couldntsee .8.安迪去了公园,站在那棵树旁,仔细听。 Andy to the park , beside the tree and .二、完型填空: Mrs.Brown is 1 old woman.She 2 in the country,and she doesnt know London very 3 . One day, she went to London, but she couldnt 4 her way. Just then she saw 5 man near a bus stop. “I can ask him the way,” she 6 to herself and asked, “Excuse me, will you please tell me the way to King Street?” The man smiled with 7 answer.Then he put his hands 8 his pockets, 9 out a piece of paper and let her read it.On the paper are these words, “ 10 , I dont know English.I am from Russia.”( ) 1. A.a B.an C.the D.( ) 2. A.live B.living C.will live D.lives ( ) 3. A.good B.much C.well D.fine( ) 4. A.find B.look for C.see D.look at ( ) 5. A.a B.the C.an D.( ) 6. A.speaks B.said C.spoke D.talk( ) 7. A.none B.not C.no D.a( ) 8. A.into B.in C.to D.at( ) 9. A.brought B took C.put D.gave( )10.A.Yes B.No C.Sorry D.Goodbye三、完型填空:One night, Mary heard some big 1 noise.“Doh , Doh , ”It 2 for a few minutes.Mary went out of her bedroom to search everywhere.Her parents were sleeping and there were no 3 people in the house. Mary returned to her bedroom. Mary heard 4 again.She thought, “Is it a cat? Mike has a cat.But cats miaow.They dont make such noise.”“Maybe its a bird 5 around and looking for a place to rest.No!That doesnt make any noise.”“Maybeitsthe whisper of my parents.They 6 be 7 in their room.But that noise wasnt a whisper at all.” Mary went to bed again but she heard the noise again.She was 8 and fell 9 her bed.Her legs were 10 and she could not climb up any more.( ) 1. A.strongly B.strange C.frightened D.loud( ) 2. A.sounded B.went about C.went on D.went away( ) 3. A.any B.other C.the other D.others( ) 4. A.the noise B.a noise C.noise D.noisy( ) 5. A.going B.flying C.jumping D.running( ) 6. A.should B.may not C.must D.mustnt( ) 7. A.sleep B.talking C.talk D.sleeping ( ) 8. A.frightening B.frightened C.amazed D.amazing( ) 9. A.down B.from C.off D.in( )10.A.weak B.strong C.sick D.ill四、阅读理解: A woman drives to work every day.She usually parks her car in the street outside her office. One day after work,she got into her car and started driving home.Suddenly,she found a yellow car following her.The driver was a big man.When she turned left,the yellow car turned left. When she turned right , the yellow car turned right .When she stopped at the traffic lights , the yellow car stopped behind.She was so afraid that she drove very quickly to the police station.She was very surprised to see that the yellow car also stopped behind her car.She jumped out of the car quickly and ran to a policeman in a police uniform.She asked for help and told everything to the policeman.The policeman quickly ran to the yellow car.Just then the driver in the yellow car came out and said to the policeman,“I want to give back this wallet to her. I think she lost it on the street.”The womans face turned red. She thanked the big man and the policeman.( ) 1.The woman drove to work every day.A.a car B.a bus C.a motorcar D.a bike( ) 2.The woman was when she found a yellow car following her.A.happy B.afraid C.surprised D.excited( ) 3.The woman drove to the police station to .A.ask for help B.call for help C.look for her wallet D.look for her child ( ) 4.The woman thought the big man was a .A.driver B.robber C.policeman D.teacher( ) 5.The driver gave to the woman at last.A.a car B.a bike C.a wallet D.her lost child五、书面表达: (根据提示写一篇不少于60词的英语短文) 在一个星期天的晚上, 我的弟弟和我在家里。我们喜爱读英语。向往常一样我们坐在桌子旁边,我们突然听到低语声。我们转过身,但是没有看见任何奇怪的东西。我非常害怕。我弟弟仔细地搜索,他在门后发现一只虚弱的小狗。我很惊奇
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