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山东省临沂市青云镇中心中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期暑假作业模块一(Units 1-2)试题(无答案) 外研版一、只识巩固(一)、单词我能行n. 1.吉他 2.舞蹈 3.国际象棋 4.俱乐部 5.故事 6.演出 7.鼓 8.钢琴 9.小提琴 10.人们 11. 家 12.中心 13.周末 14.音乐家 15.刷子 16.连衣裙 17.牙齿 18.淋浴 19.职业 20.工作 21.电台、车站 22.夜晚 23.练习、锻炼 24.组、群 25.一半 26.一刻钟 27.家庭作业 28.步行 29.生命 30.味道 V. 1.游泳 2.唱歌 3.跳舞 4.画 5.说话 6.参加 7.讲述 8.写作 9.展示 10.交谈 11.制造 12.讲授 13.穿衣服 14.刷净 15.工作 16.打扫 17.行走 18.品尝 adj/adv 1.也 2.在今天 3绝不 4.早(的) 5.最好的(地) 6.过去的 7.很快地 8.或者 9.有时 10.奇怪的 11.通常地 12.滑稽好笑的 二、短语我不怕 1.下国际象棋 2.说英语 3.拉小提琴 4.在某方面帮助 5.对有办法 6.结交朋友 7.在周末 8.起床 9.穿衣服 10.洗淋浴 11.刷牙 12.去上学 13.吃早饭 14.去上班 15.广播电台 16.散步 17.要么要么 18.做作业 19.在早上 20.大量、许多 21弹吉他 22.写故事 23参加体育俱乐部 24.讲故事 25.学校演出 26.与某人交谈 27.起床 28.淋浴 29.在六点四十 30.从到 31.迟到 32一份有趣的工作 133.在上学日 34.敲鼓 35.和某人做游戏 36.拨打给某人打电话 37.与某人相处得好 38.教音乐 39.上床睡觉 40.吃得快 41过健康的生活 42.尝起来很好 三、语法我知道(一)情态动词 1.定义:表示说话人对所说动作的观点,如需要,可能,意愿,怀疑等。 2.特点:a.其后加动词原形。b.无人称及数量的变化。 c.不能独立作谓语。d.部分情态动词有过去时态 3.所学有 can , may, must, should ,would, have to 4.Can 的作用。 a.表能力。We can speak English. Her sister can play the violin. b.表许可。You can play basketball on weekends. We cant run in the hallways. c.表情求。Can you help me with my Chinese? Could you tell him to call me back?(二)时间表达法A 整点 基数词加oclock 3:00 three oclock B 非整点1. 顺读法:先说点,后说分,一律读基数词 6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty 2.逆读法:借助介词past/to,先说分,后说点 past 过, to 差a.当0分钟数30时,分past+点,表示几点过几分7:10 ten past seven 9:20 twenty past nineb.当30分钟数60时,(60-分钟数)+ to+ 下一点钟,表示差几分到几点6:50 ten to seven 7:40 twenty to eight注意:半小时: half 一刻钟:a quarter 6:30 half past six7:15 a quarter past seven C 具体时间点划线,一般用What time提问。也可用When提问。但是模糊时间划线只可用When提问。 1.What time do you get up? -I get up at 6:00am. 2.When does he do his homework? -He doea his homework in the evening. 2四、巩固练习一)、单项选择。 1. My mother can play piano.A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. I cant sing, I can play the guitar .A. and B. but C. or D. so 3. Tom wants to you .Are you free?A. to tell B. tells C. to talk D. talks 4. Can you help me my English?A. with B. of C. on D. about 5. Please call me 8989766.A. in B. at C. about D. with 6. -What can you do?-I can English .A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk 7. Are you good kids?A. at B. for C. with D. in 8. What club you want ?A. do, to join B. do, join C. / , to join D. /, join 9. She at twelve oclock. A. eat lunch B. have lunch C. has lunch D. eats dinner 10. do you eat breakfast every morning?A. What time B. When time C. what time D. Which time 11. weekends ,when do you get up. A. On B. For C. Of D. By 12. What time he usually take a shower?A. do B. does C. are D. is 13.- does your uncle go to work?-At seven oclock. A. What B. Where C. How D. When 14. My mother usually gets up five the morning. A. in at B. at in C. on in D. around in 15. We usually play sports there hours every day? A. for B. in C. of D.at 16. Mary gets up early ,so
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