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英语周练十一一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.Would you like _ on Sunday , Daming ? Yes ,Id love to . A. go camping B. to go camping C. going camping D. go to camp( )2.Where is Jack?He is in the playground . I saw him _ there just now. A. play basketball B. play the basketball C. playing basketball D. playing the basketball( )3. Can you_ a tent by yourself ? Sorry . Its a little different for me. A. put on B. put up C. put down D. take off( )4. Can you make a rabbit _ paper? Yes, I can. A. of B. out of C. for D. use( )5. More and more students _ too much homework and they are really tired of it. A. complain about B. think about C. know about D. worry about( )6.Turn on the TV, and there is _. A. important something B. important nothing C. something important D. nothing important( )7. Weifang has become famous _ kites from then on. A. for making B. to make C. of fly D. about flying ( )8. Do you know the dog _ Eddie? Yes, it likes eating and sleeping. A. call B. called C. calling D. to call( )9. He _ his homework the day before yesterday. A. didnt do B. didnt C. wasnt do D. doesnt do( )10. _ you busy last Saturday? Yes, I _. A. Was, were B. Were, was C. Did, did D. Were, were( ) 11. The bookshop is on _ side of the street, you must go _ the road to buy books. A. other, by B. the other, across C. other, through D. the other, through ( )12.He has very_ friends here, so he has to stay at home at weekends.A. a few B. a little C. few D. little( )13. “I wont make the same mistake (错误)_.” said John. A. some more B. no more C. any more D. much more( )14、Are you _ in the _ news. A, excited, exciting B, excited,excited C,exciting,excited, D. exciting ,exciting ( )15.Jack suddenly stopped _and lay (躺)on the ground,so we all stopped _what happened to him.A. to run, to see B. running ,seeing C. running to see D. to run,seeing二、完型填空(10分)Angle and Sandy are planning to take a holiday in Germany(德国). They want to know more about the 1 .So they are looking for some 2 on the Internet. The first city they want to learn about is Hamburg. It is the second largest city in Germany, 3 it has one of the largest harbor(港口) in the world. Every year millions of 4 come to Hamburg, besides(除了) lots of places of interest and shopping malls in the city, there are also many parks and 5 green space. 6 it is thought as one of the Germanys greenest cities. The second thing they like to find out is 7 they can have the best beer. Of course, it is in 8 . Munich has the best beer in Germany, even in the world. So visitors 9 go there to have beer. Near the city is the Alps. It must be quite beautiful. The last thing they are 10 for is where to learn more German. They must improve(提高) their language before they go there so that they can have a wonderful time. Good luck to them!( ) 1. A. country B. city C. sea D. town( ) 2. A. information B. knowledge C. reasons D. ideas( ) 3. A. or B. and C. so D. but( ) 4. A. doctors B. teachers C. dancers D. visitors( ) 5. A. much B. many C. little D. few( ) 6. A. So B. And C. But D. Or( ) 7. A. when B. where C. how D. what( ) 8. A. Berlin B. Hamburg C. Frankfurt D. Munich( ) 9. A. have to B. forget to C. would like to D. dislike to( ) 10. A. asking B. learning C. looking D. waiting 三阅读理解(20分) A TV PROGRAMMERS(节目)Channel 1Channel 218:00 Around China17:45 Computers today18:30 Cartoon network18:10 Chinese arts19:00 News18:30 English classroom19:30 Weather report18:50 Animal world19:40 Around the world19:25 Chinas 200420:10 TV play: Sisters20:20 Sports21:00 English for today21:00 TV play: Big family21:15 Popular music21:45 English news21:55Talk show22:00 Music( )1You want to know something about Japan, you can watch_AWeather report BChinas 2004 CAround the world DAnimal world( )2You are a football fan. You may watch TV at_.A19:00 on Channel 2 B19:40Channel 1 C20:20Channel 2 D21:15Channel ( )3How long does the TV play“sisters”last(持续)?A30 minutes B50 minutes C90 minutes D120 minutes( )4You can watch _if you want to learn English.A English news BEnglish classroom CEnglish for today DA、B and C( )5Children often like to watch_
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