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宁夏银川贺兰县第四中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期期中检测试题装-订-线装-考 场座位号班 级姓 名学 号时间 100分钟 满分120分 第卷(选择题,共75分)一听句子,选图片,句子读一遍。(每小题1分,计分5分)(请将1-5题涂在答题卡71-75)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._II听句子,选择恰当的答语。句子读两遍。(每小题1分,计分5分)( )6. What club does Jim want to join? A. The swimming club. B. The music club. C. The story telling club.( )7. Where does Mr. Zhang work? A .In a school. B. In a store. C. In a radio station.( )8. What is that big animal? A.An elephant. B. A lion. C. A tiger.( )9. How long does it take the boy to go to school by bike? A.40 minutes.B.60 minutes.C.30 minutes.( )10. Whats Tonys mother doing? A. She is washing the clothes. B. She is playing computer games. C. She is watching TV.III. 听对话,选择正确的选项。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,计分5分)听第一段对话,回答第11,12小题。( ) 11. What can Jet play? A. The violin. B. The drums. C. The piano.( ) 12. Can Maria sing? A. No, she cant. B. Yes, she can. C. We dont know.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。( ) 13.What is Tom doing? A. Reading a Chinese book. B. Reading an English book. C. Reading a story book.( ) 14. Whats Toms favorite subject? A. English. B. Math . C. Both A and B( ) 15. What does Mary think of Math? A. Difficult. B. Interesting. C . Easy.二 单项填空(15分)( )16.Ilikeplaying _ piano,butmybrotherlikesplaying _ basketball. A. a; the B .the; / C./;the D. a; the( )17.Maryisverygoodat _ English, soshecanhelpmewithmyEnglish. A. studing B. studies C. studying D. study ( )18.Thefood _verydelicious. AtasteBtastesCistasteDtotaste ( )19.Whattimedoesshe _ schooland _ homeeveryday? A. get; go B. get; go to C. get to; go D. get to; get to( )20.Itsnotgoodfor_ toeattoomuch. A. we B.ours C.ourD.us ( )21.My sisters often _shopping on weekends, but now they_the radio at home. A. go; are listening B. goes; listening toC. go; are listening to D. goes; listening( )22.Ittakesmy sister about10 minutes_ schooleveryday.A.arriveB.arrivingC.arrivesD.toarrive ( )23.Mr.Black has_ son. A.a eight-year-old B.an eight-year-old C. aeight-years-old D.an eight-years-old ( )24.Ihave_ newspaperstoread.A.toomuch B.toomany C.many too D.much too ( )25.Myparentsalwaysget up_ six_ themorning.A. at;onB. on;at C. in; atD. at; in ( )26.- _isit from yourhometoyourschool? -Tenkilometers.A. Howfar B. Howlong C. How D. Howmuch( ) 27.-How many students are there in your school? -There are about _.A. three hundred B. three hundreds C. three hundred of D. three hundreds of( )28.Scott wants to find a new_. He doesnt like to _here. A. work; job B. job; job C. job; work D. work; work( )29._noisyinthelibrary. A.Dont B .Dontdo C .Dontbe D.Notbe ( )30.-Why do you _after school? -Because I want to exercise. A. make friends B. take a walk C. come true D. do the dishes( )31.-Can you ride a bike _drive a car? -I can ride a bike.A. and B. or C. so D.but( )32. - _ do you _ English? -I like it very much.A. What; think of B. What; like C. How; like about D. How; think of( )33.Our music teacher _play the piano and he plays it _. A. can; good B. cant; well C. can; well D. cant; good ( )34.Im very busy from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I cant relax,_A. too B. also C. as well D. either( )35.-Letsswiminthelake.-_A.No,wedont. B. Thankyou. C. Soundsgood. D.Yes,wedo. 三完形填空(10分)Our teacher 36._many pictures. Every morning she shows those pictures to us. She wants us 37._something from her pictures. In38. _of her pictures, we see a boy at work. Hes cleaning the room. In the second picture, a girl is 39._. She is singing an English song. In other pictures, we see others doing40. _ things. One boy is running. One is making a cake. And a girl is doing41. _ homework. We 42. _to our English teacher and our teacher listens 43._us. We learn from our teacher and her pictures. Our teacher likes 44._.We like her and her 45._,too. ( ) 36. A.is B.are C.has D.have( ) 37. A. learn B.learns C.learning D.to learn(
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