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福建省宁化城东中学2011-2012学年七年级英语下学期第14周周练试题班级: 姓名: 座号: 一、单词测试31%1.到达12.低,矮23.寒冷的2.短裤13.温度24.下雨3.照耀14.明亮的25.下雪的4.部分15.有风的26.地面5.大部分的16.天气27.多云的6.澳大利亚17. 春天28.我们自己7.雨伞18.夏天29.希望8.旅行 19.秋天30.每件事9.假日20.冬天31.叶子10.穿,戴21.暖和的11.家乡22.炎热的二、根据汉语意思把句子补充完整14%1. In England , the weather changes a lot, so you _ _ take an umbrella with you.(最好)2.The teacher _ _ the truth at last .(查明)3. If you want _ _ _ (出去), please close the door .4. English _ _ _ math .(与-不同)5. -Its raining heavily . Im afraid I cant go to the zoo . -Dont worry . I will get fine _ _.(以后)6. After supper, you need to _ _ _.(散步)7.In spring, the flowers _ _(开放)三、选择题15%( )1.What is the weather _ in fall? Its cool.A.forB.likeC. at( )2.Look! It is _ . Lets play in the park. OK. Letgo.A.sunnyB.cloudC. rainy( )3.It _ and some boys are making a snowman outside.A.snowB.is snowingC.snowy( )4.Its hot in summer. Its a good season _ swimming.A.atB.inC.toD.for( )5.It is very cold outside. Youd better _ warm clothes.A.to wearB.wearC.wearing( )6.Its raining now, so you need _ an umbrella with you.A.to takingB.takesC.to take( )7.Does spring _ from March to May in China? Yes, it does.A.lastB.lastsC.to last( )8.Where does Tom plan _ for his summer holiday? Bei Daihe.A.goB.goesC.to go( )9.Please remember _ me the weather report. OK. No problem.A.tellB.toldC. to tell( )10.Is the weather in England different _ in Australia?Oh, let me see. Yes, it is.A.thatBitC.this( )11. -Which _ do you like best ? -Summer .A. subjectB. monthC. season ( ) 12-._ are there in a year ? - Four .A. How many days B. How much season C. How many seasons ( )13.- _ do you like winter ? - _its a good time to make snowmen.A. Why, so B. Why, Because C. what , Because( )14._ Australia, its winter _ August.A. In, at B. In, inC. At, in( )15.Look! The sun is _. Its shining _.A. brighting , brightly B. bright , brightlyC. brightly , brightly四、口语交际。10%A: 1_?B: I like fall best .A: 2_?B: Because I like the weather in fall .A: 3_?B: Its not very cold or hot .Its very cool .A: 4_?B: We can climb hills . I plan to climb hills this Sunday .5 _?B: Yes, Id love to .五、完形填空。10%Do you like summer holidays? Yes, everyone likes their holidays very much . 1 you want to travel on your holidays ,I think you 2 better 3 the weather , because the weather is different 4 different places . 5 England, You need to take 6 umbrella when you go out .Because it rains 7 . If you want to go to Australia, I think August is the best time 8 there . Its not very cold . In most parts of China , its very hot in August. The sun shines 9 in the morning , 10 sometimes it rains suddenly in the afternoon. It changes a lot . ( )1. A.When B.If C.And( )2. A.wouldB.hadC.could( )3. A.find B.find outC.look for( )4. A.at B.in C.on( )5. A.for B.toC.In( )6. A.the B.a C.an( )7. A.a lots B.lots of C.a lot( )8. A.go B.going C.to go( )9. A.brightly B.bright C .sunny( )10. A.but B.and C.or六、阅读理解。10%根据表格中所提供的信息选择正确答案。( )26.On Sunday, April 27th youd better _.A.take the dog for a walkB.visit the zooC.stay at home and read a good book ( )27.The sunniest (阳光最充足的) days were _.A.Saturday and TuesdayB.Tuesday and WednesdayC.Tuesday and Friday ( )28.Friday, May 2nd was _.A.sunny all dayB.cold and windy all dayC.rainy in the morning and cold in the afternoon( )29.Which day has a sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon?A.Thursday.B.Monday.C.Saturday.( )30.Wang Jian flew his kite on a day that was windy in the morning but wet in the afternoon. He probably did this on _ .A.Monday, April 28th B.Saturday, April 26th C.Thursday, May 1st七、书面表达。(10分)假如你是李华,广州人,Robin是你的笔友。你最近收到了Robin的来信,请按下面的提示回信,词数在50个单词左右。提示:收到Robin的来信很高兴,并向他介绍一下广州的情况。广州是一个国际大都市(an international city),气候温暖,从春到冬都有很多鲜花和水果,因此有人称它为 “花城”。广州有许多名胜(places of interest),例如:白云山(the Baiyun Mountain), 越秀公园(the Yuexiu Park), 中山纪念堂(Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall)。
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