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20142015第二学期英语第二次达清测试题(时间30分钟 满分50分)一根据句意及首字母提示完成句中单词。(每空1分,共10分)1) 1.We cant run after others in the _ (走廊).2) 2.Jim, dont _ (打架) with your classmates.3) 3.Its snowing now. Dont go _ (外面).4) 4.Mike often a _ late for school.5) 5.I often _ (练习) the piano in the evening .6) 6.My sister cant wash the d_ ,because she is too young .7) 7.We always sing an English song _ (在之前) our English class.8._ (not be) late for class.9.Tony _ (not have) to come to school every day.10.Tom learns _ (play) the guitar.(A)二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空1分,共8分)8) 1.We arrived _ Shanghai yesterday evening.(AB层)9) 2.What do you usually do _ school nights? Do my homework.3.My brother likes listening _ music _ night .4.Can you help me _ my math ?(AB层)5.Nick always brushes his teeth _ going to bed.(AB层)6.It is no good for us _ (fight) with others.7. 7.You should do the _ (dish) after dinner.8.On school _ (night) ,students have to go to bed by 9:00.三、句型转换及翻译。(每空1分,共22分)1.上学不要迟到。Dont _ _ _ school.2.我们必须按时上学。We _ go to school _ _.3.今天你不必穿校服。(A/B)You _ _ _ wear a uniform today.4.上体育课我们必须穿运动鞋。We _ _ _ sports shoes for gym class.5.Watch TV after school .(改否) _ _ TV after school.6.She has to write a letter to her pen pal .(改为一般疑问句)_ she _ _ write a letter to her pen pal ?7.Tom has to clean his room every day .(对画线部分提问)_ _ Tom _ to _ every day? 四选择题。(每题1分,共10分)( )1.We mustnt fight _ our classmates.A. with B. to C. in D. at( )2.Dont run _ shout in the classroom.A. and B. so C. or D. but( )3.What _ you _ to do ?A. can; have B. are; have C. do; have D. can; has( )4.Lily _ home on time.A. has to come to B. has to come C. have to come to D. have to come( )5.Dont _ your phone at home. When you gent there, please call me. A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left( )6.Kate, remember _ for the sick to cheer them up. A. to sing B. not to sing C. singing D. not singing( )7.-_ up, Anna. Its seven thirty. - One more minutes. Mum. A. Get B. Gets C. Getting D. Got( )8.Im afraid we _ go out to play .Its raining heavily outside.A. dont B. arent C. cant D. didnt( )9.I have to get home _ five oclock.A. on B. before C. with D. in( )10.She often _ on weekends.A. does the dishes B. does the dishC. does dishes D. do the dish
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