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Unit 8 Keeping Safe一. 教学内容:Unit 8 Keeping Safe二、教学重点:1、must, mustnt 和have to 的使用2、重点词组三、具体内容:(一)语法要点:have to和must的区别have to 的用法have to 常表示因客观需要(由于外界因素的限制被迫)必须做某事,有“必须,不得不”的意思. 1. have to 有时态,人称和数的变化. Mary had to go to school with her teacher yesterday.2. have to 的否定形式是dont have to,译为“不必”. You dont have to go shopping now.must的用法情态动词must是表示人的主观看法. 有“必须,应当”的意思. 1. must 没有时态,人称和数的变化. 2. must 的否定形式是must not,表示“不可,不许”的意思. You mustnt waste your time.3. must 还可表示说话人对事物的肯定推断,含有“一定,准是”的意思. Mr. Yin must be over forty now.Ex. Complete the rules with the correct forms of the verbs from the box。Lee Junior High School Safety RulesAll students in this junior high school must follow the safety rules:ride keep bring know leave use report talk allowAll students must walk on the right-hand side of the hall.Students should not sit on the stairs or block the hallways.Every class must have at least one first aid kit. Students are not _ to play with the things inside it.Students should not bring fireworks, cigarettes, wine, or drugs to school.Students must not _ the school during school hours without reporting to the teacher.Sharp objects things like knives, scissors, or dangerous weapons should not _ to school.When students are having PE class, they should not _ pens, pencils, or keys in their pockets. Emergency rules must _ to all students.All injuries should _ to teachers.Students are not allowed _ their bikes on the school ground.Roller-skates and skateboards cannot _ on school ground at anytime.Students should not _ with strangers around the school ground.(二)语言点:1. on the right-hand side of 在(靠)右手边In China, cars must be driven on the right-hand side of the road.在中国,汽车必须靠右行驶. 2. play with 玩,玩耍Children shouldnt play with knives.小孩子不应该玩刀. 3. as quickly as 尽快Telephone the police as quickly as possible when you see a traffic accident. 遇到交通事故时,要尽快给警察打电话. 4. not until 直到才We didnt go to sleep until mother came back last night.昨晚,我们直到妈妈回来才去睡觉. 5. as well as 也,又Workers as well as farmers are working hard for the country.工人和农民都在为国家辛勤工作. 6. take a bath 洗澡I take a bath every day.我每天都洗澡. 7. be likely to 可能The train is likely to be late. 这趟火车很可能晚点. 8. hit someone (in, on) 打在某人He hit me in the stomach.他一拳打在我的肚子上. Should we hit the person on the back?我们是不是应当拍打此人的背部呢?短语1. on the right-hand side of 15. be likely to do2. block the hallways 16. get older3. at least 17. have an accident4. first aid kit 18. far away5. be allowed to do 19. take drugs 6. play with 20. avoid doing7. at anytime 21. in case of 8. keep clam 22. as quickly as possible 9. not until 23. wait for 10. take a bath 24. get hurt 11. hit sb. on the back 25. lose control 12. in fact 26. happen to do 13. in daily life 27. as well as 14. get a head injury 28. follow/obey the rules课堂练习:一、单选:1. Im sorry to _ you waiting for a long time. A. keep B. makeC. ask D. tell2. There are lots of English books here, and _ of them is easy to understand. A. both B. all C. everyD. each3. I will call on Mr. Wang _ two oclock. A. forB. until C. sinceD. after4. Spring Festival is coming, I will _ up my room. I dont want to live in a dirty room. A. look B. clean C. set D. turn5. Students _ slippers when they are at school.A. dont allowed to wear B. are not allowed to wear C. are not allowed to put on D. are not allowed to wearing6. May I _ to Wendy, please? Hold on, please.A. say B. speak C. tellD. talk7. There are _ boys outside and _ noise there. A. many, many B. much, muchC. much, many D. many, much8. Look! Mr. Hu is on the side of the street. It _ be him. He has gone to Beijing. A. mustntB. cant C. shouldnt D. wont9. I want to know _ the day after tomorrow. A. what he will do B. what will he do C. what he did D. what did he do10. May I go to the cinema, mum? Ok. But you _ come back before 11:30. A. can B. may C. must D. need二、完成句子1. 请尽快读完这本书。Please _ the book _.2. 妈妈病了,我得在家照顾她。 Mother is ill, I _ and look after her.3.写完作业前不要看电视。 _
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