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9B Unit 2 Reading 2 1. Moving to Mars move (v.) 1)_ (汉语意思)move to _(汉语意思)move into _ (汉语意思) move house _(汉语意思)His family _ _ Nanjing in 2000. 他家在2000年搬到南京。They _ _ a new _ yesterday. 他们昨天搬进了一套新公寓。A:We _(搬家)last week. B: Congratulations!2) _ (汉语意思)We could _ someone _ in the room. 我们能听到屋里有人在走动。3)_ (汉语意思)The story _ us _. 这个故事深深打动了我们。All of them _ _ to tears. 他们所有人都被感动得潸然泪下。词形变化:_ _ ( adj.) _(n.)The trip _ the poor area is a deeply _ _.这次贫困地区之行是一次非常动人的经历。The film _ _ _. 这部电影很感人。The man _still (静止的)in the long grass, knowing that _ _ would _ _ by the police. 这个人躺在长草丛中动也不动,他知道一有任何动静便会被警方发现。movie _ (汉语意思)_国英语 意为f_2. At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but many people believe that we will live on the planet Mars by the year 2100.A. at the moment _ (汉语意思)相当于 _They _ _ a meeting _ _ _.此刻他们正在开会。常与moment搭配的词组有: in a moment _ a moment later _at that very moment_ of the moment 红极一时,盛行一时 the moment of truth 考验的时刻 for the moment 目前 暂时B: imagine ( v. ) _ _ (汉语意思)1) imagine +n. I cant _ life _ children now. 我现在无法想象没有了孩子们的生活。2)imagine +宾语 从句Close your eyes and _ _ you _ in the park.闭上眼睛,设想自己在公园里。Can you _ _ life _ _ _ in the _.你能想象得出将来的生活会是怎样的吗?We _ _ how _ _ the problem _ you.我们难以想象没有你,我们怎样解决这个问题。Just imagine _ _. 设想一下,发生什么事了?3) imagine doing sth. _(汉语意思)She _ _ in the restaurant and _ a _ _.她想象坐在这家饭店里,享用一顿大餐。Can you _ _ _ money? 你能想象没有钱的生活吗?词形变化:_ (n.) _ _(汉语意思)He is a boy _ a _ of _. 他是个富有想象力的男孩。Dont use too much _. 不要一味凭空想象。Use your _ to _ _ _ . 运用你的想象力来寻找答案_ ( adj.) _ _(汉语意思)I think its _ _ idea. 我认为那是个有创意的想法。 My cousin is _ _ _. 我的表弟是个有创意的男孩。3. Our own planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted.1)crowded (adj.) _ _(汉语意思)The supermarket is _ _ people.这个超市里挤满了人。The buses _ _ at holidays.假日里汽车很拥挤。词形变化:_ (n.) _(汉语意思)The little boy pushed his way _ the _. 这个小男孩在人群中往前挤。They _ _ the _. 他们消失在人群中._ (v.) _ 聚集,聚拢(汉语意思)Thousands of people _ the _. 成千上万的人把街道挤得水泄不通。Memories _ his m_. 往事涌上他的心头。We _ around the _ _ keep _. 我们挤在炉边取暖。The students _ _the teacher_ _ _ . 学生们围着老师提问题.2) pollute(v.) _ ( adj.) _ (n.) 选词填空:The river is _._ air is harmful to the living things.Waste gas from cars _ the air.Theres less _ in the country than in the city.Its our _ to do something to prevent the _ _.为阻止环境污染出点力是我们的义务。The river_ _ by chemicals. 这条河被化学物质污染了。4. Hopefully, we can start and bukld a better world on Mars.hopefully (adv.) _ _ _(汉语意思)_ (adj.) _ (v.)选用上面的词填空:1)_ we will pas the exam.2)_ he will be chosen to be the monitor.3)“May I go shopping with you ?” she asked _.4)I feel _ that our team will win the match.5)He is not _ about the result of the exam.6)The future seems very _.前景似乎很乐观。5. First of all, transport would be much better.1) first of all _ _(汉语意思)用来强调在所有的事情中首先要做的事。_ _ _, clean your hands. 首先,把你的手洗干净。_ _ _, let me ask you some questions. 首先,让我问你几个问题。 firstly, at first, first 均用意引出一系列的事实、理由、意见等。但firstly更多地用于英国英语中。而at first用以讲述最初阶段的情况,尤其指与后来的不同情况相比较。_ _, I found it difficult, but now I can do it.一开始我发现有点难但是现在会做了。_ _, I couldnt believe my ears. But now I have to accept the fact.一开始,我简直不能相信自己的耳朵,但是我现在不得不接受这个事实。Therere many things _ _. But _ _ _,let me say something about the work. 有很多事情要做。但是首先我想就这项工作说几句。There are ewo reasons for thies decision. _ the task is easy to finish, _ it can make us feel relaxed.作此决定由两个理由。第一,这项任务容易完成,第二,它能让我们放松。2)transport (vt.)_ _ _(汉语意思)In the past, people here _ _ by boat. 过去这儿的人用船来运送旅客。The book _ you to _ world. 这本书可
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