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江苏省溧水县孔镇中学2015届九年级英语下学期第2周周练试题姓名_评价_一、根据所给的中文提示写出单词。1.Would you like to_(邮寄)the letter for me on your way home,Sandy?2.You can do_( 不管什么)you want to do.3.Do you have to_(订购)a big cake for your sons birthday?4.Collecting all kinds of old_(硬币)is my grandpas hobby.5.Your answer will not_(使满意)our teacher.6.This kind of computer virus_(传播)quickly and soon all of the computers went wrong.7.Mr Jin was_(不确定)of what to do next.8.There are so many_(顾客)in the shop at the weekend.9.Your answer is _(完全)wrong.10.We would like to see a sample of the new_(产品).二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.You can make your clothes_(smoothly)with an iron.2.His mother _(iron)all his clothes yesterday.3.Successful_(manage)need a good ability to communicate with others.4.Jill thinks it too much trouble_(own)a robot.5.I found an old man_(lie)on the road just now.6.Chen Dan is not at all_(satisfy)with the lazy robot.7.The new robot made a great_(different)to our everyday life.8.Who is the first person_(own)a car in your company?9.My father hasnt had his computer_(repair)yet.10.The teacher wasnt_(satisfy)with what I explained to him.11.His robot cant work_(proper).It doesnt talk.12.Do you regret_(have)bought such an expensive dress?13.At present ,you have no_(choose)but to put your heart into study.14.Are you looking forward to_(travel)to Hainan?15.The _(explore)have been to many dangerous places over the past years.16.The smoke was so thick that I was having trouble_(breathe).17.Its reported that the workers were made_(work) for 12 hours by the boss.18.The flowers need_(water).19.Dont worry.Your robot will remind you_(take)medicine on time every day.20.Id rather taking an hours walk to work than consider_(drive) a car.21._(take)care and Ill give you some advice soon.22.When I walked past the park ,I noticed some old people_(do)Chinese Taiji.23.Its time for you to make a _(decide).24.Helen is going to talk with you as soon as she _(finish)her work.25.The washing machine made our lives much _(easy).26.My watch is a home_(produce).27.He is singing the song while he_(do )his homework.28.Have you decided where_(spend)your winter holiday?三、单项选择1.Lucy always complains_me_the bad weather here.A.to;with B.of;with C.to ;about D.of;about 2.The chair looks very hard ,but in fact it is very comfortable_.A.to sit B.to be seat C.to sit on D. to sit with 3.Lucy didnt finish her homework yesterday._,she was pinished by the teacher.A.Even though B.However C.In order that D.As a result 4.Dont you find John_?A.very honest B.is a very honest man C.a very honest man D.All of the above5.The shirt_Australia is made_silk.A.is made in ;of B.made in ;from C.made in;of D.is made in ;from 6.The girl _on the ground_to me that she had_the wallet on the desk.A.lying;lay;laid B.lying;lied;laid C.lie ;lied;lay D.lay;lied;lain7.-Would you please tell me what to_my second-hand car?-Sorry,I really dont know how to_it.A.deal with; do with B.do with;do with C.deal with;deal with D.do with;deal with 8.Andy often feels very lonely because he doesnt know_.A.who to talk B.when to talk to C.who to talk to D.where to talk9.There_a sports meeting in our school next week.A.will have B.is going to have C.are going to be D.is going to be 10.Lindas parents expect me_them soon.In fact ,I dont looking forward to_them so early.A.see,seeing B.to see;see C.seeing;to see D. to see ;seeing 11.I _bought that bike.A.regret not to have B.regret to have C.regret to having D.regret not having 12.Jacks cousin is badly ill.He _to see the doctor.A.needs going B.doesnt need go C.neednt go D.needs to go 13.How kind you are! You always do what you can _others.A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help14._you do ,you should try your best to do it well.A.Whenever B.Wherever C.Whatever D.However15.My digital camera didnt take good photos .It needs_.A.be checked B.checked C.checking D.check16.Its said that the sports meeting _next Monday.A.will happen B.is going to hold C.will be held D.will be happened17.-I havent seen my grandparents for long .Im too busy_them these days.-Why not call them instead?A.visit B.to visit C.visiting D.visit 18.There are more and more big shops on_
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