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九年级英语中考总复习3 教材内容回顾3上海牛津版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:中考总复习3 教材内容回顾3二. 具体过程:(一)短语1. cross the river过河2. call the police打电话报警3. deal with处理;应付4. happen to sb. 发生在某人身上5. take a ferry乘渡轮6. wait for等候7. women tourists女游客8. shout at向喊叫9. hold out伸出;递出10. stare at盯着看11. move through the crowd穿过人群12. go on进行;继续;上车/船/飞机13. run away逃跑14. start doing sth. 开始做某事15. hurry aboard匆忙登船/登机16. be afraid of害怕17. a shop assistant商店营业员18. put down放下19. get off下车/船/飞机20. in handcuffs带着手铐21. well done做得不错22. walk by走过;路过23. a big crowd of一大群的24. against the law违反法律的25. without permission未经允许的26. with great interest兴趣浓厚的27. something unusual不同寻常的事28. rob sb. (of sth.)抢劫某人(某物)29. in time及时地30. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事31. tell sb. the truth对某人说实话32. steal sth. from sb. 从某人处偷得某物33. a traffic jam塞车;交通阻塞34. take place发生;举行35. run towards朝跑去36. switchon/off打开/关闭开关37. lift up把拎起来38. trip on sth. 被绊倒39. just at that moment就在那时40. come up to sb. 走上前来41. stay in hospital住院42. lie in bed卧床43. as soon as possible尽快(二)重点句型1. How long does it take for a ferry to cross the river?2. It takes time for sb. to do sth. 3. It takes sb. time to do sth. 4. What is the man doing with the bag?5. How is the man dealing with the dog?6. No one knew what was happening. 7. Whats going on? 8. But he hurried to an ice-cream shop. 9. But he went to an ice-cream shop in a hurry. 10. We went across the river on the next ferry. 11. We took the next ferry to cross the river. 12. Did anyone else help the two women?13. Yesterday, a daring robbery took place at the Pizza Palace. 14. She lifted it up. 15. May has a gift for learning languages. 16. I went to the park for some exercise. 17. I went to the park to take some exercise. 18. I looked round but the driver had already left. 19. I hope to find the driver as soon as possible. (三)单项填空( )1. Is it safe _the road?A. cross B. to cross C. crossing D. crossed( )2. The police _ very helpful to us all the time.A. are B. is C. was D. were( )3.An exciting thing happened _ them yesterday.A. to B. for C. at D. in( )4. I hope you_ tomorrow.A. to come B. comes C. will come D. came( )5. Did you _play the computer games?A. used to B. use to C. usednt to D. use(四)选词填空1. We heard a big _. A. steal 2. The _ looked at the man. B. handcuffs3. People _ at the big man. C. aboard4. They always _ money. D. dialed5. The man hurried _. E. robbery6. My father _ 110. F. stared7. I want to report a _. G. crowd8. The man was in _. H. argumentdialled stole stared argument aboard handcuffsYesterday there was a big _ near the ferry. Two women were shouting at a big man. They said that the man _ their purse. The crowd _ at them. When the bell rang, the man hurried _. My father didnt get onto the ferry. He hurried to a shop and _ 110. Finally the policemen caught the man and the thief was in_.(五)书面表达日记常用来记述自己一天生活中所发生的事情,故多用过去时或现在完成时,有时若表达自己对未来的打算也用将来时。英文日记和中文的写法大体相同,都是在写正文之前依次写明日期及天气情况。 1. 日期的写法 September 10,2005,Sunday或Sunday September 10,2005 2. 天气的写法Fine/Clear/Sunny(晴),Rainy(有雨),Cloudy(多云),Windy(有风),Snowy(有雪)等。 3. 常用格式 星期,日期 天气 正文【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟)一、单词拼写A. 选择并抄写单词。 1. Have you _ (been, be) on a ferry? 2. 110 is the _ (numbers, number) we call the police. 3. Six _ (policeman, policemen) stood around the thief. 4. I was _ (please, pleased) that my father helped those women.B. 根据括号中的汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。 1. What are the people _ about? (吵架) 2. Edison was a famous _. (科学家) 3. They _ my purse five minutes ago. (偷)C. 用所给动词的过去式填空。 1. Sally _ her leg last week. (break) 2. My uncle _ off a ladder yesterday. (fall) 3. Who _ that ball? (throw) 4. I _ my bag there. (leave) 5. The policeman _ to us after the accident. (speak)D. 选出下面每组中与众不同的词语并抄写在横线上。 1. tall clever short fat thin _ 2. fair blond large brown dark _ 3. skinny thin brown fat slim _ 4. bald young elderly old middle-aged _ 5. long straight curly slim short _二、句型转换 将下列句子变成一般过去时 1. Fred is kicking a ball. _ 2. My parents are catching t
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